scott hoying + ptx

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𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - always needed 

𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - wedding, tears, fluff 

𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - zarianna hoying, the younger sister of pentatonix member scott hoying, is getting married at twenty years old. ever since the announcement, although he was proud and happy, he still couldn't help but be terrified over the fact that his sister was getting married so young. all due to the fact that he still unfortunately saw his sister as a fifteen-year-old when he first started to date his long-term boyfriend, mark manio. however, it wasn't until he stepped up for his best man speech that he realised that there was nothing to worry about. 

𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - that description was way too long but, i'm sure you get why it's so long lol. please enjoy! 

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scott's pov | morning of the wedding 

waking up this morning, it was a day i'd never be able to forget because it was a day i had been terrified of since it was announced. my little sister, zarianna, is getting married to her fiancé, asa today and, whilst i'm obviously extremely happy and proud of them both, i still have an underlying fear that because she's getting married, that she'll no longer need me as much as she used to before she met asa. however, i knew i was being beyond silly and i couldn't ruin zarianna's day just because of a silly and quite frankly irrational fear i have suddenly developed since asa and zarianna's engagement. i knew why asa and zarianna asked me to be the best man and, it's something i couldn't have been any more grateful for, i just wish that zarianna could've stayed younger for just a little bit longer before getting married. i don't say that because i'm disappointed by her life choice to get married at twenty, never, i just miss the way she used to be so shy and so protected at fifteen. and now, all of a sudden, she's twenty, she's getting married and she's moving out of the house she lived in with me and mark to a house that is quite literally fourteen minutes away from where mark and i are. yet, i still wished she could just slow down sometimes because i miss always being there for her when she needed me to. i miss being her shoulder to cry on when she needed it whilst she also became my shoulder to cry on when i needed one. i just miss little zarianna noelle however, i am still extremely proud of how much she's grown since 2017. 

currently, everyone was getting ready for the beautiful wedding that was about to happen and, to be quite honest, as it started getting closer to the time of the ceremony, my fear started to slowly disappear. whereas, for mark, my boyfriend, his fear hadn't quite left him just yet. for context, mark first met zarianna when she was fifteen and just as much as zarianna confided in me, she also confided in mark just as much and, i knew that all mark wanted was the best for his zarianna. which, that just means that he can't help but feel a slight fear that something bad will happen and that instead of coming to mark and i, her first instinct will be to now go to asa and, that makes mark feel like he's getting replaced, something he doesn't like at all. i could also tell how anxious he was becoming and, honestly, i knew he just needed to see zarianna and just have a chat with her. i mean, when i'm anxious, that's exactly what i do and, i decided that that would be the best thing for mark to do too. 

"...babe, if you're this anxious, speak to zarianna. not only will it help you, i think it'll also benefit and ease her nerves too," i whisper into mark's ear as he giggles softly and fixes the flower in his blazer pocket  

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