An Alliance to End All Wars

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Entering the main part of the Capital, the Republic were in awe at the intricate detailing within the building. From inside the main building, all that surrounded the group was silence. You couldn't hear the war going on outside from inside here. It was almost as if there was no war going on at all. The only thing that gave it away was the massive war room that the group passed as they walked towards the council chamber.

Soldiers scurried around the war room which seemed to be filled with multiple holo-projections, each showing a different battle that was currently commencing. "Are we not to meet in the war room Lieutenant?" Padme asked as she eyed the busy war room as they walked past it.

"No." Hyker stated not even glancing to the side to see the war room already knowing how hectic it was in there. "You step one foot inside there and you'll get lost Senator. The war room is no place for a person of your stature." Hyker mentioned as he glanced back at Padme.

"What do you mean by that Lieutenant?" Padme pushed not liking the tone that Hyker had given her.

"The casualty numbers will give you nightmares." Hyker mentioned as he continued forward.

"I can handle death Lieutenant." Padme stated defiantly as she glared at Hyker.

"I'm sure you can Senator." Hyker muttered getting slightly annoyed by the Republic Senator. "But I can promise you that the video footage of those men's deaths is guaranteed to give you nightmares."

"You record your soldiers dying?" Obi-Wan spoke up completely confused why the council would do such a thing.

"The Growth find new ways of infiltrating our defences every second. We set up cameras to record in case they do break through, we can see where they manage to get through. Unfortunately, the footage also catches the deaths." Hyker explained solemnly.

"This is as far as I go." Hyker stated as he stopped outside two large wooden doors, each engraved intricately in a multitude of patterns.

"You're not joining the meeting?" Obi-Wan asked as he brought a hand up to stroke his beard.

"No." Hyker stated bluntly. "I have to get back to the war room. The council will be inside waiting for you." Hyker explained before bowing his head and turned to leave.

"Bróðir!" Wolffe shouted stopping Hyker from walking away from the group. Hyker turned back around to face Wolffe with a small smirk gracing his slightly scared face.

"Já?" Hyker asked as he walked back towards Wolffe wondering what he wanted.

"Hafa mér á in lykkja." Wolffe muttered as he grasped a hold of Hyker's forearm in a brotherly handshake with Hyker doing the same.

"Ávalt bróðir." Hyker muttered back before letting go of Wolffe and walking back towards the war room.

Turning back around Wolffe was met with curious gazes from almost everyone apart from Rex, Cody and Master Plo. "Where did you learn to speak their language Commander?" Obi-Wan asked curiously after watching Wolffe interact with Hyker.

"Commander Thorn and Lieutenant Hyker taught the Wolfpack when they first met. They believed that it would be best if they all knew both languages in case anyone got captured." Plo spoke up taking the attention off of Wolffe. "It does come in handy. " Plo announced.

"Indeed, perhaps Cody and Rex should be taught it as well." Obi-Wan thought out loud as he stroked his beard again.

"You can't be serious." Anakin scoffed as he folded his arms over his chest. His altercation with Hyker previously still not forgiven. "If we needed a translator, we could've just brought C-3P0."

The Grand Army of the Republic = Commander WolffeWhere stories live. Discover now