Long Way Off

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There have been many ways in which Rose had woken up over the years but being dragged through rubble and along the dusty landscape by droids hadn't made her list. Until now that is. Their metal hands clenched tightly around her armoured biceps dragging her limp body with her feet leaving a trail behind as they went.

Rose had only just started to regain some consciousness by the time they had reached the Separatist base that was now stationed on Kithom. Lifting her heavy head, Rose was met with the sight of thousands of droids along with tanks ready and waiting to move. "Well, that's just peachy." Rose grumbled at the sight of the droids.

Soon enough, Rose was dragged through the doors of the main Separatist base and into what she could only describe as their main hub for figuring out battle plans and strategies. "Ahh, well this is a welcome surprise." A deep human voice stated catching Rose's attention swiftly. She was expecting to be met with a tactical droid ready to interrogate her. As Rose slowly lifted her head, the sight of a man in a long dark cloak stood before her with a lightsabre attached to his hip. At first glimpse, this man seemed to be no threatening person, but Rose knew that looks can often be deceiving.

"Expecting someone else?" Rose grunted out through gritted teeth as the droids carrying her dug their metal fingers deeper into the lacerations on her arms from previously demolishing the cliff face.

"Actually, my dear, I have been waiting for you." The dark cloaked man smiled. "Now the fun truly begins." He stated before waving his hand to the droids to take Rose away into a holding cell.

Rose had figured out that trying to fight this would only end in one way and that way was not an option just yet. With the number of droids present within the hallway alone, without any weapon Rose knew she'd end up getting shot before she even took one step away from the droids dragging her towards her new room.

Entering the room, Rose was met with the same contraption used to imprison a jedi. "Well, this is new." Rose muttered as the droids set her up in her cell.

"You must understand Commander Thorn." The cloaked man stated as he strode through the door to her cell. "This is just a necessary precaution."

"Oh yeah? These cuffs are used on Jedi." Rose bit back hissing slightly as a droid tightened one of the cuffs on her wrists too tight. "Why use it on me?" Rose questioned.

"My dear." The man laughed. "I know the lengths your kind have reached to ensure you are capable of defeating anything." He stated knowingly.

"Who are you?" Rose spat as she tried to pull herself out of her restraints only receiving a rather harsh electric shock by doing so, only worsening the pain she was already in.

"Ahh." The cloaked man murmured proudly already having the upper hand on the infamous Austerean. "I would have thought that your friends in the Republic would have shared their knowledge far sooner." He tutted ad he held his hands behind his back.

"Well, sorry to disappoint but we've been a little preoccupied with more concerning matters than your obvious self-induced ego." Rose panted as she glared the man down only to receive another electric shock.

"It would appear that your tongue is sharper than your eyesight." He smirked as he came to stand directly in front of Rose's floating form. "You will tell me what I wish to know." He stated as he tried to use a force mind trick to persuade Rose to answer his questions.

"Oh, so you're one of those other Jedi." Rose laughed at his failed attempt to use force persuasion. "My mind is too strong to be fooled by your Jedi tricks. You're going to have to do better than that." She seethed keeping eye contact with her current captor.

The Grand Army of the Republic = Commander WolffeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang