Year 1811, King Kidya is now the ruler of Goreo. His wife is Queen Piyawan. They have one daughter, Princess Nichapa who is now 8 years old.
"Minister Nomad and Minister Liam would like to talk to you, Your Majesty. I have already told them that you are currently attending to some important matter but they insist to see you as it is something very urgent." Eunuch Pini said to the King who is currently at the Royal Office busy looking into some documents he needs to sign.
"Sigh. Do they know what time is it? Sometimes I do not know who is who in this palace. Am I their King or their servant? Tsk!" King Kidya talks to himself before facing Eunuch Pini. "Tell them to wait to the Royal Hall. I will go there shortly." Eunuch Pini bowed and walks away.
"What is this urgent matter that both of you cant wait to tell me tomorrow? You both remember that we have a meeting tomorrow right?" King said as he approaches his throne in the Royal Hall.
"Your majesty, we have been informed that Queen Porphana has already given birth to a Prince! King Manaying now have his Crown Prince! You very well know that this matter should not be taken lightly since their kingdom will then gain much support from the elders. King Manaying's popularity will put your reign at risk!" Minister Normad, the head minister of the right faction party said.
"Your Majesty, having crown prince gives King Manaying's stability and security for his Kingdom. Among the 5 kingdoms, Yuan Kingdom is the only one which is at par with us in terms of size, riches, culture and people. We are only ahead of them because we have ocean rich in most beautiful corals and pearls. And as you know this ocean is between Yuan and Goreo territory. We only gained ownership of this ocean cause of the elders favor. King Manaying might claim it again!" Minister Liam, head minister of the left faction party exclaimed.
"Minister Liam, you do not have to educate me on the geography of my very own kingdom! We have already discussed this time and time again, if Queen Piyawan didn't manage to conceive again, I will name Princess Nichapa to be the next ruler of this kingdom!"
"Your Majesty! You know that this is impossible! How can a women become a ruler?? This never happened in the history of any kingdom! Naming Princess Nichapa as the next ruler will never work! If they will accept this, why are the elders keep on telling you that its time for the Queen to conceive again? It's because they are waiting for a Prince! Please consider this very urgently Your highness." Minister Normad said trying to control the tone of his voice.
"Princess Nichapa is not just an ordinary princess and you know that!! She is very intelligent and showing qualities of a good leader even for her young age! I have no doubt on my daughter's capability. The elders will be able to see them and agree with me." King Kidya shouted.
"Your Majesty, you know that it is not that easy to convince the elders. Even you are aware that no woman has ever been elected even in the elders council no matter how intelligent they are. We cannot afford this uncertainty Your Highness. You need to have a crown prince!" Minister Nomad replied.
King's frustration is now very evident in his face. "You all know that the Queen almost lost her life when she gave birth to princess Nichapa. I will not risk her life again!"
"Then select a concubine as early as now, Your Majesty! We can nominate the suitable candidate for you to choose from. We can have their womb check to ensure that they can give you a prince as well!" Minister Liam suggested.
"No! I will not have any other wife aside from the Queen! You are both dismissed! I am tired and I want to rest!" King Kidya stood up and walks towards his chamber.
Queen Piyawan, heard everything as she stood outside one of the Royal Hall doors. She went into the Royal chamber just in time before the ministers exit the Royal hall. Frustrations, worry and anxiety are written into each minister's face.
Before entering their chamber, the King inhaled and exhaled air and quickly put a sweet smile in his face.
"How is My Beautiful Queen whose smile can put butterflies in any King's stomach!" King Kidya said as he embraced Queen Piyawan.
Queen Piyawan hugged the King tightly and said "My day is complete seeing your handsome face and hugging you like this."
King Kidya kissed her forehead. "Are you tired? I am sure you have again created a few masterpiece today in the Royal Boutique. Can I see your creations?"
Queen Piyawan look into the King's eyes and said "I am more concerned about your day. I know you had a meeting with the ministers just now and ..."
"My day is fine. You know that my relationship with the ministers has always been like this. There is nothing new about it" King said.
"But it's getting worse and worse because of me not giving you a prince." Queen said almost teary-eyed.
"Sigh. I already told you not to worry so much about this. I will handle this. Ok?" The King gave the Queen a smack. "Now, how about having a warm bath together so we can relax. Hmmmm." King Kidya whispered.
"Hmmmm. That's not a bad idea." The queen naughtily smiled.
"Before that, don't forget to drink your medicine ok? We need to be very careful. Tanwarin will be angry and you don't want her to nag at you the whole day right?" King Kidya said.
"My King, what if I stop taking the meds? I want to be pregnant again. I want to give you a prince so everything will be fine with the elders and the ministers. I am now very strong and healthy. I am ready to conceive again." Queen Piyawan told the King.
"No! My Queen, you almost died giving birth. I will not put you at risk again!" King said
"I will be alright. Nothing will happen. This is my body so I am sure if it." Queen said.
"My answer is No. Queen Piyawan, dont be so stubborn." The King said while lovingly pinch the Queen's nose. "Lady Jo, please bring the queen's medicine and ensure that she drinks it up to the last drop."
"Yes your Majesty" Lady Jo replied.
"I'll go to the bathroom first. I'll pour scented oil and rose petals in the tub. My body aches for your gentle rub and touch my queen. So drink your medicine and come quickly ok?" The King whispered.
The Queen gigled. "Okok. I'll be quick. Go. Lady Jo is coming."
"Let's just go together after you finish drinking the meds" King said.
"No. You go ahead first. I have to drink the meds slowly cause it's so bitter. I will never get use to the taste." Queen said.
"Ok. Please be quick." King said as he smiled naughtily and walks towards the bathroom.
"Your Majesty, here is your medicine." Lady Jo said.
"Thank you Lady Jo. Just leave it in the table and you can leave." Queen smiled.
"But Your Majesty, the King asked me to ensure that you drink it up to the last drop. I'll wait until you finished drinking it. " Lady Jo said.
"It's alright Lady Jo. Don't worry, I'll tell the King that you have done so. Please leave and rest. We have so many things to do tomorrow."
"But Your.." Lady Jo said.
"Hep hep. No buts. Dont worry I will drink it. Ok Go. Goodnight Lady Jo." Queen said and smiled.
"Goodnight Your Highness." Lady Jo said and bowed as she walks away.
The Queen stared at the cup. "I am sorry my King. I have to disobey you this time. I know that you are in so much pressure but you are keeping it from me. You have always been cheerful and energetic around me but l know deep inside that this burden of not having a crown prince has been haunting you all these years. You have been trying your best to gather enough reasons and support to convince the elders to name Princess Nichapa as the next ruler. You have been refusing to have a concubine to bear the crown prince cause you know eventually, it will be used against me by those greedy for power. You tried your best for me not to conceive cause you are very scared of loosing me. My King, I am so blessed to have your heart. This time, i will do my part to protect you no matter if it will cost my life. I will give you another child my King!"
The Queen walks to the terrace and pour the liquid medicine. She then walks to the bathroom. After a few moments, the Royal bedroom is filled with sweet noises.

The Beautiful Prince
RandomA story of a royalty whose face can launch a thousand ships and also confuse a thousand hearts....