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Phoebe:Brown hair,brown eyes,18

Lilith POV

Lilith:Ok,let's start with sitting

I grab Phoebe and pull her onto the toilet

Lilith:Why are you so heavy!?

She laughs

Suddenly she gets an erection

Lilith:Well that's just great,trying to piss with a boner is one of the worse things to do

I push her penis down so it's under the seat

Lilith:That's probably a bad idea but I haven't gotten an infection yet

Phoebe just sits there

Lilith:Come on Phoebe were not leaving until you go

Phoebe:I don't want to!

Lilith:Well you have to

Phoebe:But I don't want to!

Lilith:You can say that all you want

I sit down and take my phone out

An hour later

Lilith:Ok Phoebe we've been here for an hour want to make it two!?

Phoebe:I don't want to!

Lilith:I don't care your staying here until you go!

Phoebe:I don't have to

Lilith:Don't try to lie to me

Harper walks in

Harper:Your still here!? It's been an hour!

Lilith:I know

Harper:Let's just out her down for a nap and try with Trevor

Harper picks Phoebe up

Harper:You go to bed you have bags under your eyes

Harper POV

Lilith gets up

I kiss her

Harper:You have to stop working yourself so hard,I want you to get at least eight hours of sleep tonight and call in sick tomorrow,you need a break

Lilith:I can't I have to work

Harper:You can go one day without working,tomorrow your just gonna sit around and be lazy,you deserve a day off

Lilith:But I have to help pay the bills and I have to go to college

Harper:Taking one day off isn't gonna hurt anything,I mean you work all day with the girls which is really hard because their mentally challenged,I'm surprised their in college,and then you have your own work to do and a job you have to go to right after school that's way too much weight on your shoulders

Lilith:I can't believe I'm 33 and just now going to college

Harper:Well the good thing is you actually got into college,and it's a win win because you and Hunter can help the girls and change them and stuff and you can get your education

Lilith:I know but I should have been in college like 10 years ago,actually I'd probably almost be done or already graduated college 10 years ago

Harper:Well sometimes it could take almost 10 years so you could have still been in college depending on what you chose to do,now go to bed,for real this time

Lilith goes upstairs

I put Phoebe down for a nap and grab Trevor

Phoebe is a hermaphrodite but Trevor isn't

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