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Harper:Brown hair,green eyes,44

I walk past the bathroom and see something in the corner of my eye

I go back

Phoebes in front of the small urinalysis and is peeing in it,she's on her knees and is holding her shirt it up

I go over to her and get down

Harper:Hey baby

Phoebe:Hi daddy!

Harper:You finally using the toilet?

She nods

Harper:Gotta work on your aim though,luckily I have something for that

I kiss her cheek

Harper:But we'll work on that later I'm just happy your peeing in the toilet,even if it's not the real toilet

I notice Phoebe's stuffed animal on the ground near the toilet

It was a pink sloth with a sequin stomach

It was a pink sloth with a sequin stomach

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She takes it everywhere with her

When she stops peeing I empty the urinal into the toilet

Phoebe grabs her sloth and follows me into the living room

Hunter POV

I hold Phoebe and Trevor's hands as we walk down the hall,my backpack has all our books and folders in it and it's so fucking heavy

The only way they'll walk is if I hold their hand

Yvonna said she was gonna get them backpacks but she hasn't yet

I pull out my phone


Hunter:When will you get them backpacks?


Hunter:You said that last time

Yvonna:I know but the last thing I want to go after work is g9 buy backpacks

Hunter:Buy them today! I'm gonna break my back if I have to hold all their shit for one more day!

Yvonna:Alright drama queen

Hunter:And why didn't Lilith come to school?

Yvonna:Oh yeah I forgot to tell you Harper called the school and said she was sick because she wanted Lilith to take a break

Hunter:I didn't see her this morning

Yvonna:She wasn't in bed?

Hunter:No,she's always in bed when I wake up,do you know where she is?

Yvonna:You didn't see her once?


Yvonna:I didn't either,Harper probably took her somewhere

Hunter:It's weird,Lilith used to be the laziest person I knew when we were in high school

Yvonna:Well people do change,shouldn't you be in class?


Yvonna:Message Harper when you get the chance

Hunter:I will

Yvonna:Love you

Hunter:Love you too

End text

I put my phone away and grab Phoebe's hand again

We walk to our next class,luckily we all have the same classes
We sit down and take out our notebooks

I don't know why I take out their notebooks anyway,they don't write anything,I have to take notes and then write the notes in Phoebe's notebook,Lilith normally does Trevor's notebook but because she's not here I'm gonna have to do it,but on the plus side it gives me more time to work on my penmanship,I have terrible handwriting and I go to OTPT to get help with it,and when I rewrite the notes in Phoebe's notebook I use it to practice, I don't write the same line 9ver and over but I try to make it as neat as possible,my hands shake way too much when I write for some reason

And the teachers don't say anything when Trevor and Phoebe just sit there
I start smelling piss

When they need to be changed they do little movements,like how most,if not all,people have a little movement they do when they lie like touching the back of their ear or turning their head,when Trevor needs to be changed she scratches her wrist and when Phoebe needs to be changed she sucks on her thumb

I look between the two

Trevor is on my right,Phoebe is on my left

Phoebe's sucking on her thumb

Why did it have to be at the beginning of class?

Why couldn't you have peed when class was almost over like you always do?

Student 1:What's that smell?

Oh god

Student 2:I think it's piss

Student 3:Who pissed their pants?

Teacher:Class please,let's start the lesson

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