Simple Enough?

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Silver Sablinova/Silver Sable

Cole:Well that was easy,but how did everyone know where to go? I didn't even say where they had to go they just left

Sablinova:I give them the address,when you give them the job I text them the location

Cole:So what are you going to do? Because there was no job for you,and what do I do now?

Sablinova:I have paperwork I need to do and so do you


Sablinova:It is really simple everything you need to do it should be on that piece of paper

Cole:So do I have to stay here and do it?

Sablinova:No you have an office at that club down the street,know which one I'm talking about?

Cole:I think so,but why is it at a club? Shouldn't it be in a quiet place where I can focus

Sablinova:I don't know you have to ask Miles,my office is across the street on the second floor of the library,you can use my office if you think the club will be too distracting,I've been to a lot of clubs so it doesn't bother me that much

Sablinova takes a key out of her pocket and holds to out to me

Sablinova:Here,it's the key,don't lose it,if anyone else gets a hold of this key they have access to all my files and plans and if that happens we're screwed,the public doesn't know the police station hired us so if they find out we're all getting hanged

Cole:Ok,where's the paperwork?

Sablinova:It's right here

Sablinova pulls out a small stack of papers

Cole:I have to do all that?

Sablinova:Don't worry this will take you maybe twenty minutes or so,when you finish it leave it on my desk

Cole:What about your key? What do I do with it?

Sablinova:Just keep it I have a spare,but remember,don't lose it

I just nod

Sablinova:Ok,the next meeting is this Saturday,we have to go over all the information we've gathered and because Miles won't be here we have to take notes of everything and give them to her,but because you've obviously never done this before I'll do that part for you,but after the meeting you have to give the papers to Miles so she can look through everything and give you new instructions,simple enough?


I take the papers from Sablinova

Sablinova:I'll see you next week

And with that she walks off

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