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Jenny:Julianne Moore

Hunter POV

Yvonna was on the couch petting Madison and saying things to her in a low voice

Yvonna:You like that don't you? I'm gonna take you for a walk later

There's a knock on the door

Yvonna gets up and opens it and Jenny walks in,I remember her because she asked me a lot of questions over 15 years ago

I think she was like 50 then so she's in her 60s now

Yvonna:She's right over here

Yvonna and Jenny walk over to Madison

Hunter:What's going on? Why is she here?

Yvonna:She's here to take Samantha

Hunter:I thought you said her name was Madison

Yvonna;I did but I was thinking of my mom when I said that I meant to say Samantha

Jenny looks at Samantha and runs her hand down Samantha's back

Jenny:And she's doing this willingly?


Jenny:How did you get here?

Yvonna:I think her old owner had her for a month and she didn't like how energetic she was so with her permission she auctioned her off and I asked my friend to get her for me because my mom owned her when I was 14

Jenny:How old is she? 

Yvonna:Hold on I have to do a little math

Yvonna starts drawing in the air and kinda looking at the ceiling

Yvonna:I think she's 52 but I never was good at math

Hunter:52!? She doesn't look 52! She looks 20!

Yvonna:She's a demon she can age but still look the same

Jenny:Why do you think I'm not a white haired woman with a cane?

Hunter:But I like Samantha,she's nice

Yvonna:You can still see her at Jenny's apartment,I'm gonna visit every once in a while you can come with me,but you can't tell anyone that Samantha belongs to Jenny ok? You can't even tell your reflection

Hunter:Ok,but why?

Yvonna:We can't tell you that just don't tell anyone

Hunter:I won't

Yvonna:Good,she's all yours Jenny

Jenny:I can't walk outside with her like this give her some clothes

Yvonna:Right,I'll be right back

Yvonna comes back with some clothes and puts them on Samantha

Yvonna:You new to this?


Yvonna:She your first real pet and not a training pet?

Jenny nods

Jenny:Is she trained?

Yvonna:She knows a few tricks

Jenny:I mean does she still use puppy pads?

Yvonna:No,but I'd put maybe one or two down,she tends to pee when she gets too excited,I did the opposite as a kid

Jenny:What type of things?

Yvonna:I'd have her on a pad if your gonna ask her if she wants to go for a walk

Jenny:Is she allergic to anything?


Jenny:What type of food does she like?

Yvonna:She likes almost everything except tomato's and peppers,she will eat tomato soup or ketchup but not an actual tomato


Jenny takes out a tail buttplug

Jenny also takes out a petplay mask

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Jenny also takes out a petplay mask

It was like this except there was white on the ears,the eyebrow part,a little on the cheeks and the red was brighter and there was lines not little dots

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It was like this except there was white on the ears,the eyebrow part,a little on the cheeks and the red was brighter and there was lines not little dots

Jenny puts the mask on Samantha and puts the tail in so it's sticking out of her pants

Yvonna leaves and comes back a few minutes later with a bunch of paper stapled together

Yvonna:These are all her past owners,including my mom,and it has everything they did together and why they gave her away

Jenny takes the paper and puts it in her backpack

She puts on a mask

Hunter:Hey won't people recognize your car?

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Hunter:Hey won't people recognize your car?

Jenny's voice changes

Jenny:No it's a different car I keep in a secret garage

Jenny hooks a leash to Samantha's collar and leaves

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