Presenting My New Team

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Presenting My New Team

*Cassandra's Interview*

"Hi, I am Cassandra Rhodes, I am 13 and I have been dancing at the ALDC since I was 2 years old. Miss Abby has brought me to be a part of the new competition team!"

"Hello, I am Amelia Rhodes and I'm Cassie's mother. She has been at the ALDC a long time and she's super excited, but I'm worried to come in with these other new girls that came from all over because Cassie knows and has danced with the original team."

"Girls let's go! Come on in!" Abby Lee Miller calls in her new team from outside. She brought this new team to give her girls some competition and something to work towards.

"Welcome to the Abby Lee Dance Company." She looks down the line at the girls, "Girls, I know it's intimidating to walk into this room. Oh, they don't look very intimidated, though, do they?"

The girls for the new select team stand stone-faced except the blonde girl on the end who had a blinding smile.

"I don't think there's any competition there." Kira sneered, "You brought our trash from Arizona." she yelled pointing at Tracy, an older blonde woman who was Sarah R's mother.

Kira yelled for a little while longer before Abby called Sarah out in front of her. Sarah R is there to challenge Nia.

Next, she calls forward the 11-year-old, Ava who was tall and had long blonde hair. Ava is there to challenge Kendall.

"Cassandra, come on out. She was trained here, she has the technique, the showmanship, and the skill she is everything an Abby Lee Dancer should be." She called Kalani to stand next to the other 13-year-old. "Kalani, I hope you know this kid is training to be a Prima Ballerina, I hope you can keep up with her." Kira rolls her eyes and Abby sends the two back in line.

Then she calls out Tea', Sarah H, and Mackenzie to be the next ones going head to head. Lastly, it was Kamryn and Chloe going against each other.

"We have all the winners here," Abby states with a smirk.

Abby calls Maddie into the middle and tells her to say goodbye to her team and then announces that Maddie will be joining the new team. The Elite team is shocked and Maddie now stands with the new team, looking very depressed.

"We are traveling just a hop, skip, and a jump away, to Youngstown, Ohio. We will be competing at Energy Dance." Abby tells the Elite team their group number for this weekend 'Royals' and the select team's group number is called 'The Good Life.'

Kalani and Kendall are doing a duet called 'Rule the World,' and Sarah R and Ava will also be doing a duet. Chloe is doing a solo called 'Lucky Star' and Kamyrn will go against her with her solo called 'Fate'.

Abby threatens the teams demanding a clean sweep before sending them on their own away and starting rehearsal.

Cassandra was very happy when she found out that she only had the group this week, it means she won't miss out on as many classes as she would, even though she is homeschooled. The other girls for the select still had to schedule their classes as all people on the teams had to take certain classes.

Cassie was in her Jazz class when Sarah H came and got her to rehearse the group number.


"As unhappy as I am with the select team here, it is nice to see Amelia and Cassandra on the team at last," Holly says

"So who are they?" Kira asks, "I mean she's going against Kalani so is she good?"

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