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Miami, Florida

Tyler tried to forget the memories with Isa but every time he'd do some of his favorite things with Katya brought back memories with the one girl he loved.

"babeeee its movie night what do you wanna watch!"
his new significant other yelled from the coach

as he walked through his apartment kitchen to the living room cuddling up with his girlfriend

"um i actually don't know you pick"
the boy said unsure

"how about we don't watch a movie and just watch re runs of glee?"
the girl next to him suggested

"come onn let's watch the re-runs of glee tonight !"
isabelle exclaimed

"okay bet"
he said putting on the show

Tyler's brother came downstairs for a snack and saw the couple laughing and being loud with each other

"you guys are so cringe and annoying ew"
he said running up stairs

the couple laughed as "song bird" started

"For you, there'll be no more cryin"
she started to sing to him

"For you, the sun will be shinin"
he sang back

"And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right"
isa sang holding her heart dramatically

"To you, I'll give the world
To you, I'll never be cold"
Tyler stood up and sung on the couch

"Cause I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right."
she got up with him and sung back

"And the songbirds are singing,
Like they know the score,
And I love you, I love you, I love you,
Like never before."
they both sang in harmony even though Tyler couldn't sing Isabelle could, Tyler told her she could be a song writing and singer one day if she wanted.

They sang the whole song together laughing and giggling. This is what love felt like and they enjoyed every second of it.


"haha i love this show"
katya laughed

Just then "song bird" started playing and Tyler started singing the song. Katya looked over at him and pulled out her phone and started recording tyler while he was singing and laughed at him.

She then posted it on instagram to her story captioning it "he's so unique"

Isabelle POV

as she scrolled through her time line she's soon found fan pages of Tyler post Katya's recent story of Tyler and her watching Glee and Tyler singing "song bird" to her.

As Isabelle thought back to the night her and tyler harmonizing to the same song in their hometown not to long ago.

"we did that too"
she thought to herself

She turned off her phone for the night and lied down to fall asleep in the bed which she slept in alone now.

Tyler's POV

Tyler didn't act dumb he remembers when Isabelle and him would sing together watching Glee. He looked over at Katya who probably thinks she special but in reality it's all reused.

"babe i'm just gonna go to bed early i'm kinda tired from practice."
he said getting up and fake yawning

"oh okay? i'll clean up down here i guess i'll meet you upstairs for bed?"
the girl sat in confusion cause they weren't finished watching the episode

The boy nodded and headed up stairs were the thoughts of her reminisced through his heads of their nights together. It wasn't the same with Katya, Tyler Herro indeed missed his girl; Isabelle.

Tyler was looking through his nightstand until he found an old polaroid that his brother had taken of him and Isabelle back in Milwaukee he read the words labeled on the photo that read

' I wish you all the love in the world '

' I wish you all the love in the world '

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End of chapter 3 ' Glee '

(side note i know nothing about the show glee so sorry if this seemed weird and i got things wrong with the songs and episodes haha")

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