5. Prestigious Chaos

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Eden Hall Academy.

School of high academics, fine arts, and athletics.

Jamie hesitated to step on campus grounds, keeping her eyes focused on the school's prestigious pillars. She held her school supplies in one arm, sports equipment in the other. As other students proceeded to walk past her awkward stance, the girl gave herself a mental pep talk:

Come on, go in! You can't stand like a fool forever.

Maybe not an encouraging pep talk, but just enough to make her legs start moving. Before finding a seat in the auditorium for orientation, Jamie put her ice hockey belongings in her locker following a trip to the office for her schedule.

1. Chemistry
2. Government
3. Spanish I
4. Algebra II
5. Free Period
6. Music History
7. English
8. Art

As Jamie read her schedule, she heard a strange burst of clatter outside the glass walls of the business office. Her head remained still, shaking off the random outburst.

"Ms. Cheryl! How was your summer?!"

The loud voice of a teen boy immediately made Jamie's head pop up. A scrawny kid, brunette hair, and tall legs opened the glass door of which Jamie and Cheryl, the office associate, were standing opposite of.

"Was that you, making all that racket outside? My child, you're going to give me a heart attack one day." Cheryl announced. The lady and teen boy met for a hug, briefly stating how their three months of vacation went.

"Same old, same old. Exercising, music, annoying the hell outta my sister!" The boy explained with a laugh.

Jeez, you'd think he'd have more meat on his bones after exercising every day.

He turned to Jamie. She felt embarrassed for listening in on the conversation, however, the boy didn't think much of it.

"Hey there! You new here?"

Jamie nodded in silence. She didn't know what to say. She was fascinated by his personality but did her best to keep her facial expressions neutral. As a natural response, she stuck out her hand and introduced herself.

He gave a firm grip towards her gesture. "I'm Des. Class of '99. I may be loud, but I don't bite!"

Cheryl placed a copy of Des's schedule on the counter beside him. Quickly sliding it into his hand, the boy turned back towards Jamie with a cheeky smile upon his face. The girl returned a smile, a real one.

A quick interaction, sure, but Jamie was determined it wasn't just to be nice. At least, that's what she hoped. Thanking Cheryl, the girl ran off towards the auditorium before officially starting her classes.

The auditorium wasn't as big as Jamie imagined it to be, even if every student was able to fit inside of it. Almost every seat was filled, but, thankfully, Jamie was able to find a seat in the back just in time for the opening announcements.

She found herself next to a curly-headed girl. Jamie wasn't the type to make first moves, but she felt a sense of confidence after her interaction with Des.

"Hi, I'm Jamie."

The reserved girl looked into Jamie's eyes. "Libby."

"You don't talk much, do you?"

"How could you tell?"

"It's how I usually am. But hey, it's the first day at a new school. I want to, at least, make one friend, right?"

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