1. MD ➝ MN

625 11 3

Kelly Klaire unlocked the door to, what used to be, the Thrill residence. Jamie took her time collecting her necessities and everything special to her- art supplies, clothes, camera, cassettes. The girl packed up all of her essentials into one suitcase, making sure nothing was left behind. While Jamie finished stuffing her bag, Kelly Klaire waited near the home's entrance, fiddling with the house key.

Taking one final look around the room, Jamie became overwhelmed with anxiety, for she was not expecting herself to stand in an empty bedroom tonight. Heck, she wasn't expecting to experience anything like she had this week, especially at the age of 15. The girl descended her body to the floor, leaning her head against the wall, legs pressed to her chest.

Jamie thought of Sunday night, how she hugged her parents for the last time, unaware that they would not return from their anniversary dinner. She then switched to Tuesday afternoon, where she watched two coffins get lowered in the ground. Tuesday night, she met Kelly Klaire, who looked after her as a fellow CPS worker should.

"Where am I going to live? I have no other family." Jamie recalls saying. She hears Kelly Klaire respond with a familiar name. One of whom her father used to work with as a child. Hans. Jamie has vivid memories of this man. He was always a very wise and cheerful person- he gave Jamie words of advice that she still lives by today and supported her when no one else would.

Jamie is utterly grateful to know that Hans is here to take her. She doesn't think she could last long with someone else.

"Ready to go, Jamie?" Kelly Klaire asked the teenager on the floor. Jamie gave a slight nod, rising to her feet. The pair walked out of the household, entering a black SUV presented in the driveway, and began their drive to the BWI Airport.

Jamie focused her sight on the sunset in the sky. Splashes of pink and orange covered the usual blue tint we are always used to. In the background, Night Moves by Bob Seger was heard. Jamie closed her eyes as she listened to Seger's soothing voice.

Kelly Klaire looked over at the tired girl. She felt sorrow for her, wishing everything hadn't been rushed. Although this is how the woman feels about every kid she has helped, Jamie was different. She couldn't set her mind on the reason; maybe it was just the young girl's strong aura. The social worker began to think of what she could do to cheer the youngster up, even if it is for a short time.

"I know it isn't my role to do this," she began to say in her mellow voice, "but do you want to go do something before your flight? How about some ice cream?" Kelly Klaire finished her sentence but received no reply. The lady made her way towards a Baskin Robbins anyway, knowing it was something she was called to do.

With Kelly Klaire ordering rocky road and Jamie chocolate, the pair ended up having a nice time. Jamie warmed up to the social worker and began to express her love for painting. "It's something I began doing to relieve stress. Art has been my best friend for a while and will probably stick with me forever."

"How do your friends like your art? Do they think it's good?"

"People usually don't talk to me. I would think it's because I seem standoffish, but I don't bite. I believe the right people will see I'm a nice person- I just haven't met them yet."

There was a long silence between the two after that. Eventually, Kelly Klaire began to ask the girl about life before this week, to which Jamie responded with multiple things. "My parents and I were pretty close. We would always watch movies together- like Ferris Bueller."

"Are you into any sports?" Kelly Klaire added on.

"My father played ice hockey when he was young. I think it was for a team called the Hawks? Anyway...he taught me how to skate, but I never joined a team or anything."

"What position did he play?"

"I think he played left-wing? I don't know too much of the sport but I do know my father loved the game." Jamie explained.

Kelly Klaire continued to nod at everything Jamie had answers to. The pair stayed a little longer than expected and knew it was time to finish their drive to the airport. "Thank you for this. I needed it." Jamie said softly. The older lady smiled, responding with you're welcome.

It wasn't long until the SUV halted in front of the airport entrance. Jamie stepped out of the vehicle, holding her belongings, and took her plane ticket to Minnesota from Kelly Klaire's hand. "Will I see you again?" the girl asked. Kelly Klaire grew a small smirk. She grabbed out a slip of paper from the glove box and wrote down ten numbers. "Call me if you need me."

Jamie turned her body towards the automatic doors. Before entering, she twisted her head back and glanced at the social worker one last time.

This was goodbye for Kelly Klaire and Jamie Thrill. They only knew each other for two days but felt as if they were acquaintances for a long time. Kelly Klaire sent Jamie a wave goodbye, Jamie sending back a small smirk. The girl, at last, turned back and headed inside the building. It was now time for Jamie Thrill to begin a new chapter in her life.


Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Local time is 10:23 p.m, while the current temperature is 53°

Grabbing her only bag, Jamie walked towards the main section of the airport, hoping to see the older man. It didn't take long for her to spot the white-haired elder standing by the escalators. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the moving staircase, hoping that he recognized her.

"Good heavens, is that really you, Jamie?" Hans says with a wide grin. The girl returned the smile, nodding her head and giving the older man a hug. "It's good to see you,"

"I'm so sorry for your loss, dear. I'm sure you're sick of hearing it, but some things just need to be repeated."

Jamie pushed the negative thoughts away, reminding herself to leave what happened this week in Maryland. Focusing herself back to reality, she let go of the welcoming hug. Hans turned his attention to an unfamiliar man to his left. "Jamie, I want you to meet my good friend, Gordon Bombay,"

The name hit Jamie- Gordon Bombay coached Team USA for the Junior Goodwill Games. Mentioning this to him, the hockey coach replied, "Ah, yes. That was a good time. My team will always hold a special place in my heart."

"It was very entertaining to watch on television," Jamie told Bombay, "My father and I never missed a game."

Gordon cocked his eyebrow, "Do you play hockey?"

"Her father was Gilbert Thrill," Hans said for the girl. Gordon looked her way with interest in his eyes. "Gil? We played on the same peewee team as kids! He was one of the best wingers I've seen,"

Talking about the Hawks was a bit awkward for everyone. Thankfully, Hans declared that they should make their way back to the ice hockey store. With Gordon walking ahead, Hans and Jamie took their time with each step.

"Hans does he know..," Jamie said to Hans softly,

"I told him on our way here."

Jamie lifted her head a little higher, thankful to know that she did not have to break the news to Gordon. Yet, the girl hopes she doesn't have to talk about this grim week to anyone again, for it will expose the side of her she never likes to experience.

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