Ghost Town

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The Serpent's Pass Fin

"And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free. We're still the kids we used to be. I put my hand on the stove, to see if I still bleed. And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free." - Chloe George

Trigger Warning: Depictions and references to the birthing process and to aftercare post-childbirth that may be uncomfortable for some readers.

🌊 🏔 🔥🌪

The first rays of the morning light illuminated the Serpent's Pass all too soon and it was time once more to keep moving.

Aelita had found the rest of the camp sleeping by the time she stumbled in exhausted herself, but she had willed herself awake until the sounds of her friend's sobs couldn't be heard anymore. Aang spent his night alone on the ledge, letting himself feel all of the pain, anger and sadness he had been running from since they made it out of the library. By the time morning came, he didn't feel good yet, but he did feel better.

The events of the previous day were left behind as the group packed up their camp and continued on. They walked in relative peaceful silence until they reached a part of the pass that dipped down beneath the water of the lake.

"Everyone single file," Aelita called out from the lead. Lifting her arms she split the water wide enough to reveal the covered path, the family of refugees tucked safely between the team members. "Aang, I'm gonna need some help."

Katara couldn't help but smile when she realized she had been passed over for the Avatar. She watched as Aang handed his staff to her brother and the monk helped Aelita create an air pocket around the group of people. Sure, it easily could've been her, she was almost as close to the back of the line as he was, but Aelita had asked for Aang and that was a positive sign in her mind.

The words spoken yesterday out of anger couldn't be taken back, but Aelita had noticed the shift in her partner's demeanor when he walked into camp this morning. More than anything she wanted him to be okay, needed him to be okay just to remind her she wasn't the monster she was starting to worry she was. Aang was the grounding that kept her sane and reminded her that every choice she made was for the greater good, and when he was like this he couldn't be her voice of reason. Was it a selfish reason to want him to be okay? Sure, but it helped the Akira keep a level head and it was far from her only reason. At the end of the day to two had a bond like no other, and she'd move heaven and earth just to keep the people she loved happy. So she shoved the thoughts that screamed in her mind aside and tried to help them both move on as quickly as possible.

The family of refugees was awestruck as they watched fish of every size and color swim by in the waters that surrounded them on each side. It was like looking through a two-way mirror close enough to reach out and touch.

Mushu and Momo planned to do just that. They sat opposite of one another on Sokka's shoulders and jabbered quickly as their breakfast swam along. It seemed as if the vote came down to Momo as the swimmer, the lemur jumping through the air pocket into the lake water while Mushu pointed out fish close by. A large shadow skirted through the water next to Momo as he closed in on his catch and the smaller animal panicked. He dove quickly back into the air pocket to cling to the warrior's head, Mushu hopping on the shoulders of the others like stepping stones until he reached the safety of his human.

"What is it, buddy?" Aelita asked, slowing to a stop as she saw the shadow. It circled the group of travelers once entirely before disappearing into the lake once more.

"What the hell was that?" Jin asked tentatively from her spot close to Toph. She didn't notice the hair standing on the back of the earthbenders neck out of sheer panic from the unknown.

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