11. the argument

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"truth. always. wins. unfortunately... liars get their turns first." — michael cheshire

jimin wanted to rewind time. he wanted to go back to a point where haneul wasn't looking at him like he was dirty. like he betrayed her.

haneul wasn't as upset as she appeared to be. sure, she was upset. but she had initially gotten over the hurt as soon as she heard. she didn't tell jimin all of her past lovers and experiences. some just weren't worth mentioning. but that wasn't why she was upset.

she was upset because whilst jimin was reminiscing the night of his mothers death, he was smiling.

not about the actual trauma of his mothers death. but during the recollection of his time with sunny. wasn't she still technically with taehyung? how could he do that to his friend? does he still have feelings for her? did he ever love her at some point.

haneul couldn't believe that she was doubting jimin, her husband. the man she thought she knew. but she was. because in all the years she spent married to that man, he never smiled like that with her. and that hurt.

"baby.. it's not like that. i don't even remember that night if i'm being honest," jimin said. something about those moments he was missing didn't sit right with him. why could he remember everything else about that night except that moment? he wanted to remember. and right now, watching the love his life break down before him, he needed to remember.

"you may not remember, but you sure were cheesing thinking about being with sunny," haneul spat, crossing her arms over her chest. jimin knew what that meant. she was shutting down. she didn't want to hear anything else. he was losing her.

"baby, i love you. you know that right?" jimin said, moving around the table to approach her.

and then something happened that never happened before.

she stepped away.

and jimin's heart broke in a way he didn't know was possible.

"you do you know that, right? that i love you with all my heart?" jimin asked, his voice cracking, mocking the same cracking in his heart.

"i don't even know if i know who you are."



okay, so yes, haneul is being a little dramatic BUT i promise, everything will get explained!

love y'all!

(unedited and not proofread)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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