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The one thing I hate about this world is when people die. 

The painful mourning process of a loved one will always vary its time to stay. The thought that I'm never going to be able to see my mother's beautiful smile ever again except for the few photos we have of her. I'll never be able to feel her warm touch when she hugs me, or taste her horrible cooking anymore. 

The dark stained, wooden casket was closed tight. White Lilies are scattered across the top. The crisp grass was a bright contrast against the dim weather. A young girls mother being lowered into the ground for good, and their time is cut short. Echoes of thunder begin to pound in the background, as the remaining family members give their small eulogies. Small sobs are heard here and there, from the loving friends and family of a mother who was adored by so many people. 

I'd die just to have one last hug. One last final goodbye. A proper goodbye.

The casket was finally placed into the ground. The last few words were said before an everlasting silence between the crowd of people. Roses and lilies were thrown into the six-foot deep hole, as a last goodbye from her former friends and family, who eventually walked away with a sorrowful glint to their eyes. A young girl and her father remained standing next to the grave. 

"Do you think she's in a happier place, Dad?" The small girl questioned, praying he'd reply with something to give me some hope.

Except, the man never responded. He just placed his hand on the little girls head as a reassuring gesture. No more words were spoken between the two. Caught up in their own guilt and mourning, they remained facing the grave, which was now being covered up. They stared until the corpse of their late mother and wife was concealed away, stopping her from facing any more pain in the world. The portrait of the young girls' mother was still standing up, her shining smile and warm eyes perfectly displaying the kind-hearted person that she was to the outside world. Resembling her daughter just as much, they were basically identical. Sharing the same dark brown hair and deep green eyes, their freckles spread out across their cheeks just as the milky way appears.

A few weeks earlier, the young girl had just been dropped off to school by her mother. Excited to bring home the many crafts she had made to her family. She had waved her mother off with good spirits and a tight hug, just as she always would. Except when it had come to the time for her to be picked up from school, her father was there. She was confused as her dad was always working, so for him to show up was always a shock to her. Although, something was different. This wasn't a cheerful surprise of her dad finishing his work early to come pick his daughter up and take her for ice-cream. 

The young man had to kneel down, and hug his daughter tightly to tell her the devastating news that her mother was caught in a robbery in their local store. She wasn't dead but close to it. She had been ruthlessly and extremely injured by the group of criminals who had decided to injure her as a consequence of trying to help the other customers escape. But how does a father tell his little girl that the woman he loved endlessly has a tiny chance to survive the horrific scenario. Once he had, the small girl had broken out into a hysterical cry. Mumbles of words came out in sobs as she couldn't quite understand how she'd survive without her loving mother. 

Weeks had gone past and her mother had finally passed in her sleep. Similar weather to the day of the funeral, a storm in the distance and small chirps from little birds sitting in the trees around them. Her mother had always adored the small birds flying around and would even set up several bird feeders in their small garden at home to treat them. The small necklace with a little golden bird at the middle for decoration was placed elegantly around the small girls neck. It was once her mothers and had made a promise to wear it through everything so her mother would always be with her. 

We have to be okay.

Just a quick mention! 

I love receiving messages from everyone! Feel free to make comments and ask me questions if you guys have any!

I assure you guys I will respond to each and every one of you.

I would also like to place a small disclaimer for the next several chapters I have planned.

I will be following the storyline of Fruits Basket released in 2019. Further on into the story I will expand and add my own chapters that aren't included in the anime. 

I understand that this may frustrate people, but I reassure you all that it is just a part of the development of my characters and hopefully it will allow you guys to get a wider insight into the personality of this main character! 

(For my old readers, this book has and currently is going under heavy editing. Plotlines have changed and my writing has definitely improved... And for new readers, welcome! I hope you enjoy the story ahead of you.)

I love each and every one of you and thank you so much for supporting me and reading this! <3

Little Bird ~ K. SohmaWhere stories live. Discover now