You Can Trust Me

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"I turned you all into fucking animals! I'm so sorry!" I cry, looking at the three creatures.

The cat and rat continue to bicker between one another. "Well, it's either we tell her a story that she won't believe anyway and lie or tell the truth. It's better, to be honest anyway." The black dog huffs, sitting calmly compared to the other two.

"We could have covered if you two idiots didn't transform too!" The cat hisses towards the other animals.

"It's not anyone's fault. It was an accident." The rat groans, glaring at the ginger cat.

"Well, as you can tell, I'm the dog, Yuki is the rat and Kyo Sohma here, well he's the cat." The dog states, looking at me with his big eyes. "We all possess a spirit of the zodiac. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with any amazing powers aside from that we can communicate with our respective animals. We transform back to our human forms eventually but we can only transform into our animals under a great deal of stress if hugged by the opposite gender."

And with the dog finishing his explanation, a large puff of colourful smoke appears once again. I blush at the sight of the three naked men sitting in front of me. I immediately turn around to avoid the embarrassment.

"I forgot to mention that we turn back naked," Shigure laughs. 

"I, uh. I really don't know what to say." I sigh, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up from any dream I could have been having.

Once the three had gotten back into their clothes, I sat down at the small table. Cautious of what was happening, I couldn't begin to describe the emotions I was feeling. 

"I'm sorry for that... I'm sure that was quite a surprise to you." Shigure smiles, innocently. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah... It's definitely not what I had planned for today..." I stare at the three, my mind still completely blown.

Shigure sits down in front of me with a big grin on his face. "I do have to say that that was quite an impressive show from Kyo. Being trained in martial arts I would've thought your reflexes would have been quicker." Shigure mocks the orange haired boy.

"It's not my fault! You're the ones who let a girl into this house! Why is she even here?" Kyo yells, pointing a finger straight to my face.

"Can you calm down? It's not like you have a say of who we allow into this house." Yuki states, fixing up his shirt.

"Shut up!" Kyo glares, punching the table that was sitting in front of me, causing it to split in half. 

The end of the table flies up and hits me on the forehead, taking me a few seconds to process what had happened. My forehead begins to sting slightly as I feel a warm liquid flowing down onto my right cheek.

"Is that blood?!" Shigure worries, flailing his arms around. "We should get a bandage on that immediately!"

Kyo stands there, staring at me with wide eyes. I knew he had no intention of hurting me, I could see it in his eyes. He was just frustrated, overwhelmed even. Shigure runs back into the room with a damp cloth and begins to dab it against my forehead. As he pulls away I hear a loud smack, forcing my head to turn and face Yuki and Kyo. Kyo's cheek was bright red as Yuki's hand was raised, showing that he had just slapped the wild orange-haired boy.

"I knew you were a moron, but I could never have guessed that you're this stupid." Yuki scoffs at Kyo, unbuttoning the top buttons of the collar on his shirt. "Considering how stupid you really are, I'll do you a favour and fight you for real." 

"Bring it, pretty boy!" Kyo yells, throwing the first punch towards Yuki.

As the two begin to spar, Shigure continues to attend to the wound on my forehead with no cares in the world.

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