well, it is Valentine's after all (Part 1!)

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For the sake of this chapter, Valentine's day is on Friday and not Saturday like it is in the anime!

A few weeks had passed since the marathon and meeting Hatsuharu. He had eventually made it back to the Sohma estate thanks to Shigure's directions. Yuki had made a quick recovery from his asthma attack, so he was back on his feet and being fawned over at school again.

Waking up in the morning felt different than it normally did, the air felt fresh and I could hear the breeze outside rustling the leaves of the trees. I had more energy than usual, too. Hopping out of bed, I stretched with a loud sigh allowing my muscles to finally relax again. I take a small glance at the calendar that was sat on my bedstand and had to double-take.

It was Valentine's day. Which also meant that it was my late mother's birthday. Normally, I would be moping around, thinking about how my mother wasn't here to celebrate her special day. However, I knew I couldn't do that anymore. I wasn't being selfish, I just didn't want anyone else to worry about me. I had to celebrate it for her, I know she wouldn't want me to slouch around.

My legs carry me out of bed, towards my small wardrobe. I pull out my uniform and toss it on, still half asleep. It was considerably still cold outside, so I decided to pull on a grey sweater for good measure. I hated the cold, being inside was fine and all, but having to be outside was my least favourite thing. The cold air would rush right through me. I hop down the stairs, walking into the kitchen to prepare some hot breakfast to keep everyone warm for the day. As I turn the stove on, I hear movement behind me. Yuki was shuffling himself into the living room, turning to look at me with tired eyes.

"Good morning, Y/N." He smiles tiredly.

"Morning, Yuki." I giggle, "Late night?"

"I was up for a while studying. I just couldn't think so I took longer than I wanted to." He sighs, plopping down, turning the TV on.

"I understand that more than you think..." I groan, knowing that I was doing the same last night.

"What are you making for breakfast?" He curiously peeks into the kitchen.

"Just some soup and rice." I nod, stirring the soup around in the pot.

"That's perfect." Yuki beams, turning his attention back to the news on the screen.

Shigure had eventually walked into the living room to join us, due to the smell of food. He had tried to get a taste several times but I had fought him off into the living room to read his paper. I fill up the bowls with the soup and carry it out on a tray with some rice. Sitting it down in front of the others, I notice that the familiar orange-haired boy wasn't joining us.

"Where's Kyo?" I question, turning to Yuki for answers.

Yuki simply shrugs his shoulders, and as if on cue, Kyo walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge door grabbing the carton of milk that was half full. I squint at the boy in frustration, shaking my head at the act.

"You want something to eat?" I ask, standing up to grab some food for him.

"Not hungry." He states, walking out of the room.

I frown with a sigh and sit back down, continuing to eat.

What's with his shit mood?

"So, you guys have any plans for Valentine's Day?" Shigure mocks, nudging at Yuki.

Yuki glares at Shigure and shakes his head. Causing Shigure to turn in my direction. I flinch at the question, attempting to avoid the topic of the day in general, although I knew it was going to be impossible.

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