Welcome Home!

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Waking up, I feel my head throbbing from the headache I had conjured up from my fever. I place my hand up to feel my temperature and am shocked by the heat which is radiating from me. I sigh, rubbing my eyes to allow my self to wake up slightly quicker. I turn my attention to the sound of birds chirping outside of the window, holding onto my necklace with the little bird charm. 

You're still here, Mum?

I notice a small pile of clothes which have been neatly folded next to me, I smile at the kind gesture. Clueless as to whom the clothes belong to, I change into the soft fabric. The smell of fresh laundry radiates off from them which makes me feel a sense of comfort. I open the door to the bedroom and notice Yuki exist his room as well. I give him a warm smile to greet him.

"Good morning, Yuki!" I chime, still feeling quite ill.

"Y/N! Good morning to you as well, how are you feeling?" He greets, obviously a little worried. 

"I still feel low, but I'll be better in no time. Don't worry." I giggle, rubbing my head in embarrassment. 

Yuki takes further notice of the clothes that I'm wearing, reassuring me that they aren't his nor did he place the clothes there for me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking down at the baggy clothes.

"Nothing at all." He states, moving his hand as a gesture for me to follow him down the stairs.

I follow him, walking slowly down to ensure that I don't get too dizzy. Once reaching the bottom, I notice Shigure and Kyo sitting down in the living room, watching TV while Shigure eyes a newspaper. 

"Good morning, everyone." I smile, both their heads turning to face me.

Shigure's face lights up at the sight of me, a friendly good morning comes from his voice. Kyo gives me one look up and down and turns away with a slight blush to his face.

"My, my, never would have thought I'd see you wearing Kyo's clothes, Y/N." Shigure mocks, giving Kyo a small snicker.

"Oh... Well, they were left for me so I quite like them." I smile, shoving off Shigure's jokes.

Yuki shakes his head in disappointment, walking outside to bring in some bags. At further inspection, I notice that it's my things from inside the tent.

"Yuki! How did you do it? I thought they were gone for good!" I stutter, rushing towards the bags as he places them on the floor.

"I'm sure that's everything. But please, make sure just incase." He smiles with an accomplished grin.

I nod and begin to sort through the bags, noticing that everything is there. I sigh with relief, glancing at the photo album which held old phots of myself and my parents together. I take a small glance over everything and smile at my belongings, looking up to Yuki.

"Thank you!" I bow my head. 

"No, miss it really isn't any trouble." Yuki nods, kneeling down to the same level as me.

"How did you do it?" I ask, curiously.

"That's a secret." He smiles, picking up the bags once again and walking towards the stairs. "I'll put these in your room." 

"Wait, what? No! I couldn't stay here with you!" I stutter, "I wouldn't want to burden you all."

"Well, where else do you have?" Shigure smiles, dropping his newspaper down. "Do you like cooking and cleaning by chance?" 

"I guess, I find it quite relaxing..." I say, trailing off with thought.

"Lucky you! We're in need of someone like you! So, you can stay here for as long as you need and in return to help us out!" Shigure smiles, his cheeky smile causing me to sigh.

Little Bird ~ K. SohmaWhere stories live. Discover now