I don't want to go!

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For the remainder of the day, I was mostly quiet. I didn't want to leave the Sohma house. They had become so close to me, I couldn't imagine living without their chaos. The walk home was a silent one as well, I had just assumed that the others were frustrated with one another as usual so I chose to ignore their behavior. 

At least I would still be able to see them at school, but what if our relationship changed? By staying at their house they knew everything that happened with their secret, now, if I move away they might distance themselves...

Arriving back at the house, we all greet Shigure before walking upstairs into our rooms. I had tried my best to finish some preparations for the festival and accomplished some study for upcoming quizzes. Realizing the time, I decided to wander down the stairs to spend some time with the others.

"So, my dad called. He said that the renovations were basically done so we're able to move back into the house." I frown.

"That was surprisingly fast," Shigure states, looking up from his paper.

"The garden is still unfinished, but the inside is livable so we're able to move back in. Dad said we could go back. Oh! I forgot to start cooking!" I stand, rushing to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, we can just scrounge something up, or better yet why don't we all go out to eat." Shigure smiles.

"No, it's okay. I've already got most of the ingredients anyway." I nod, sliding the door to the kitchen closed. 

I turn the stove on to heat the water in the kettle, spacing out. 

I don't want things to be different now. I'm happy here...

The screeching of the kettle snaps me out of my daydreams, I quickly turn the heat off and hold my ear in pain.

I won't miss that.

 I had prepared some noodles with pork and spring onions for dinner, something quick but still filling. Handing the bowls out to everyone, they seemed quiet or dazed. I felt bad for putting that news onto them although I'm sure they're happy to have one less burden on their shoulders.

We sit down and eat in silence, the TV is the only noise to focus on. We had exchanged a few words about the festival at school, it wasn't the same though. Kyo and Yuki seemed so out of it that they weren't even picking a fight with one another which even shocked Shigure. 

We had all gone to bed early, seeing as how tomorrow was the day I would be back in my old home, filled with different memories. Some which I genuinely didn't want to be reminded of. I fell asleep uncomfortably that night, consistently tossing in my sleep.

I had woken up early the next day, walking into the kitchen I had already packed most of my things into the same suitcase. Sitting down in the living room with everyone felt strange for the last time.

"You should have enough groceries for the next week, but you might want to buy some more soy sauce soon. The garbage days have changed so make sure to remember that, and here's my address. Just in case anything happens and you need me." I smile, sadly.

"You've done so much for us, thank you. You must be excited to go home though." Shigure smiles.

"No, it's my pleasure. I enjoyed staying with you guys so much, really. I promise to keep the Sohma family secret as well, don't worry. You won't have any issues with me at all." I nod my head, looking down. 

"I trust you." Shigure grins.

"Well, I'll go collect the rest of my things." I frown, walking back up the stairs to collect everything. 

Little Bird ~ K. SohmaWhere stories live. Discover now