Chapter Thirteen

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It's nearly time for my students to do their monthly exam, and I'm trying to make sure that they know exactly what to do. Since they have to go against other students from different groups, I need my students to beat the others so I can prove to my brothers and Davenport that I am doing a good job at training them. I need to prove to them that I'm still a bionic hero, not the one who quit the team and destroyed her chip a year or so ago. I need to show them that I'm not a little girl anymore. 

That's why I decided to come to Mighty Med all by myself to see what Skylar Storm and Galactic Girl need to talk to me about. I can handle this issue or whatever it is by myself. I don't need my brothers or Davenport to be with me. I'm a big girl. And once I get back to the Academy, I'll show them that my students are better than theirs.

Slowing down once I see the hospital up a head, I take a few deep breaths. It's a long way from the island to the Mighty Med Hospital, but I'm not winded. I still can't believe that the superheroes hid their hospital inside a real-life hospital. It's strange, but I guess it works for them to keep their secrets safe.

The gravel beneath my feet crunches as I move closer to the building. Something makes me stop in my tracks, though, and as I stare up at the hospital, I think about my life before our secret was exposed. One of the hardest things about my life was hiding my bionics from people at school and work. They were a part of my entire being, and Davenport made us hide them. I get that it was to protect us, but it was hard. 

The superheroes that go to this hospital have to hide their identities. There is no way that I would ever go back to hiding my identity like that ever again. 

A car honks at me, and I realize that I'm standing the parking spot that they want. I quickly hurry inside the hospital with a soft sigh. Thankfully, I'm in the emergency department of the mortal hospital, so all I need to do is go to the bathroom to get to the superhero hospital. It doesn't take me long at all because no one's in the bathroom, and before I know it, the wall is opening up. I step into Mighty Med just as the wall closes behind me.

The superhero hospital looks just like it did when I was here last because Chase decided to let a villain get access to one of Davenport's new inventions, and in that process, almost died. Nurses and doctors are still running around the place like they're chickens with their heads cut off, trying to save some superheroes from death, just like they did with Chase. Mighty Med is a surreal place because death is almost always around the corner for most of these people, even me. No one knows when they're going to die, or even how they're going to die. But it is going to happen sooner or later. I don't know which I'd rather prefer.

A doctor nearly runs into me, so I use my bionics to zoom away from him. I really don't want to be mowed down by a gurney today. No one really pays attention to me because a siren blares throughout the hospital, accompanied by a red flashing light. The doctor that ran by me must need all hands-on deck to save this superhero. 

I don't want to get in their way, so I quickly step into the hallway where there's not that many people. I have to find Skylar Storm and Galactic Girl somewhere in this maze because they wanted to talk to me about something important. They sounded worried about whatever they want to talk to me about when they called me earlier, so I left the Academy as quickly as I could to get here and talk to them in person. 

Peering through a door, I step back before the patient sees me lurking around their room. I honestly have no idea where to go to look for those two. They didn't really specify when they called me earlier, just that they needed to talk to me about something in person. I guess they don't understand that I'm a busy person with bionic students I need to teach to beat Adam and Chase's students in the monthly exam. 

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