Chapter Twenty One

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The bright morning sun glints off of the crashing waves as I run around the island, trying to get my bionics back under control. This is the second time this week that I'm glitching, which isn't a good sign. Panic settles in my stomach as I pass by the same rocky overcropping again. I'm not sure why, but I never went back to my capsule after the wedding -- well, almost wedding. Instead, I slept out in the training area and got up before anyone else saw me there. 

I don't know why I didn't want to go back to my capsule. Maybe it was because my brothers and Emmie were in there, having a good time without me. Maybe it was because I don't feel like I belong with them anymore, that I am blending in with the background of life. This thought makes me pick up speed as I race around the island. 

Thankfully, it's early enough that our students won't see me glitching, though this would be a great lesson on why they need to stay in their capsules if they don't want to glitch. If my brothers or Emmie see me doing this, I'd be dead. The last time I struggled to keep my powers under control was when Davenport and Douglas were trying to fix my broken chip, and that was a major dividing point between me and my family. 

My heart thuds against my chest as it tries to compensate for the way I haven't stopped running at top speeds for the past twenty minutes. Sweat is pouring down my back, making me feel all gross. Once again, I pass by the rocky outcropping, but this time, I run off of it, diving into the water headfirst. The shock of the cool water stops my legs from pumping back and forth, and I swim toward the surface, sucking in a deep breath once I break the surface of the water. 

Floating on my back, I stare up into the deep blue sky, trying not to sink to the bottom of the ocean. The sun shines brightly as it climbs up in the sky, an early morning breeze fluttering across my tired body. I lay there for a bit, allowing my heart and body to rest, and then I swim back to the shore, emerging from the water like a freak -- no, like a monster. 

I hurry inside through the little pool area on the edge of the Mentor's Quarters. Peeking around the wall, I make sure that no one is in there before running over to my capsule and shutting the door in front of me. I close my eyes as I quickly change into a dry outfit. Exiting my capsule, I feel a little better now that I'm dry, but I'm still exhausted. Hopefully, I won't have to teach my students much today. 

Walking through the Mentor's Quarters, I glance around and notice that something is missing. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the room is larger than before. Weird. Shrugging, I run down the stairs and make it to the main area. Chase, Leo, Adam, and Davenport are standing at the smart computer, chatting amongst themselves. My heart jumps in my chest, and I try to move out of the way, but Adam catches my eye. 

"Bree, where were you?" he asks, frowning as I slow to a stop. He crosses his arms over his chest, and it looks like he's upset about something. "We've been looking for you for a while now, but you were nowhere to be found."

"I was walking around the island," I say, clearing my throat. I don't tell them that I was in the middle of a glitch and actually running around the island, but I'm sure they can see how tired I am. "Why? What's going on?"

"Emmie went back to the mainland," Chase says. His tone is icy, and his glare sends shards toward me. I frown and take a step forward, thinking I didn't hear him correctly. "She left to go spend time with her Mom."

"She didn't tell me she was going to leave."

"You weren't in the Mentor's Quarters last night," Leo says, rolling his eyes. "That's when she told us she was leaving, but someone wasn't there."

"Bree," Davenport says slowly, and my heart drops even further into my stomach, "why weren't you in the Mentor's Quarters last night?"

I swallow hard, wishing I could melt into the ground right now. Part of me wants to turn invisible and run away, but I won't be able to escape this conversation if I do that. It'll come back and haunt me, just like everything else in my life. "I wasn't there at first because I was checking up on Bianca since she has new powers."

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