Chapter Twenty Six

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A sweet breeze blows through the open windows as Douglas and Davenport peer through them. All of our students are resting in their capsules and chilling together after the disastrous past few days. The island was on lockdown when Mighty Max and Mighty Med were here so they could catch everyone who was part of River's group. I'm not sure what went down with them, but all the people left, hauled off toward Mighty Max. Venus assured me that they would be in jail forever, but there was an uneasiness in the air -- there still is.

Ringing my hands together, I watch as Davenport shakes his head. I've been standing near the supercomputer for a few minutes now, trying to decide if I want to talk to them or not. Douglas whispers something to him, and then Perry pops out from the training area, humming a little tune. She's carrying a cup of coffee even though it's early evening, and it doesn't seem like she notices me as she makes a beeline toward Davenport and Douglas. 

"I really like how open it is," she says, scaring the two brothers. I'm not sure who let out the scream, but a high-pitched noise hits the air as Perry giggles. "I knew I could scare you two! Gosh, for being the leaders of this bionic island, you two are wimps."

Douglas makes a strangled noise, and I figure he's the one who screamed. "You snuck up on us."

"And this broken window is not going to stay like this," Davenport says, shaking his head again. He sounds disappointed, which makes my heart drop in my chest. Of course, he's disappointed. I'd be disappointed if I were him as well. "Adam and Bob are bringing in pieces of wood so we can hammer it into the wall until I can get someone out here to put a new window in."

"Where's the nerd?"

"Supervising them."

"And speedy?"

Davenport sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. If he just looked to the right, he'd see me waiting here, trying to approach him and Douglas. But he doesn't look, so he doesn't know I'm here. Because of that, I turn my invisibility on and take a few steps back toward the shadowed wall. "She's been around and not around, if you know what I mean," he says, glancing at Douglas. He nods once, a thoughtful look on her face. "I wish I could talk to her, though."

"Same here," Douglas says, his voice gravelly. He sounds upset, and I've never heard him sound like this. "If she wanted help with becoming evil, I would've helped her." Davenport hits Douglas on the shoulder, and Douglas throws his hands up in the air. "Sorry, sorry, too soon. Got it."

"Bree is my daughter," Davenport says, putting emphasis on the last word of that sentence. Tears prick my eyes, and I hold in a sob as Davenport holds a hand up to his face. "I just . . . I wished I knew how badly she needed help. If she talked to me, I would've been there for her."

"You can't change how she didn't want to talk and share her feelings," Douglas says. "She takes after me in that department."

"Ew, I so do not want to talk about emotions," Perry says, interjecting into their conversation. She gives them a peace sign and starts walking away. "Peace out, boys. I'll see you later."

Douglas watches as Perry walks away, but Davenport doesn't do anything. Before they are able to do anything else, Bob and Adam walk into the room from the training center, holding both ends of a lot of pieces of wood. Chase walks in behind them, and I catch a glimpse of his black and blue cheek, where a small line of red sits in the middle. 

"You guys can set those up here," Davenport says, moving closer toward Douglas. Adam and Bob clamber up the steps toward the window and set the pieces of wood on the ground, the loud sound making me jump. "Thank you, Bob. You can go relax now."

"I'm taking a nap!" Bob says, running out of the room, leaving my brothers, Davenport, and Douglas standing near the broken window. 

"He's been talking about that nap for hours," Adam says, grinning widely. However, the grin fades away until he looks grim and sad. "He deserves it after all he did during the battle. He did so well, but I wish he didn't see something like that just yet. He's been different lately because of it."

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