Chapter Twenty Three

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The engine slows to a stop as River guides the boat into the small dock. Around the dock are gigantic trees reaching towards the starry heavens above, their bare branches thin and scary in the faint moonlight. Soft music sounds in the distance, making me frown slightly. This island was pretty close to the Academy, but it's further than Skull Island. I wasn't sure why Davenport didn't buy the entire island ecosystem around the Academy, but he didn't, which means that other groups of people could possibly be on the islands, which makes a lot of sense with the sounds coming from farther inland. 

What if there are weird people on this island? My brow furrows as River cleanly steps off of the boat, holding his hand out for me to take. So far, he seems to know what he's doing, almost like he's been here before. That doesn't seem right, though, because he hasn't left the Academy. Right? I stand up from the ground and walk over to him, pushing down the doubts rising up in my throat, trying to suffocate me. Taking his hand, River helps me down off of the boat and onto the wooden dock. 

He pulls me forward toward the sandy beach, keeping his hand secure around mine. We quietly walk toward the tall trees, stepping between them as the music grows louder and louder. I wish River would say something, to break the silence growing between us, but he stays silent. I'm not going to be the one that speaks, though. He's the one that brought me to this random island in the middle of the ocean, one that doesn't seem to be exactly empty. 

Darkness envelopes us as the bony branches cover the stars and the moon, plucking the light out of the sky. I shiver into my jacket as a harsh breeze blows through the trees. The music sounds a little creepy now, the high-pitched notes drawn out longer than they need to be. I can't tell what kind of instrument is being played, but it sounds like a violin or something like that. River squeezes my hand once as we step through the layer of trees, coming out into a little campsite. A few boys River's age sit around a warm campfire, their faces covered by the flickering fire. 

"Hey, River," one of the guys says, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. Something feels off here, and I don't like it. "Everything is going well here."

"Good," River says, holding tightly onto my hand. For some reason, I want him to let go of me and bring me back to the Academy, back to my family, but my voice fizzles out in my throat as the boy furthest away from me stops playing of the violin. The three boys are staring at me, and in the firelight, I can see their eyes glinting. It scares me. "This is Bree Davenport. She's here for some . . . help."

Identical smiles spread across the boys' faces, but I don't have time to think about it because River pulls me away from the campsite. The violin music restarts, sounding ominous in the otherwise quiet night. We pass by a few small buildings clustered together, and through the windows, I see girls and boys our age lying in bunk beds, most likely asleep for the night. How many people are here, and why are they living on this island? I have no idea why Davenport doesn't know about this whole situation.

I reach for my phone to call Davenport, but I don't feel it in my pockets. I'm not sure if I lost it before we got to the island or if it went missing during the time I don't remember, but this isn't good. I really want to call Davenport, to get him here to rescue me. I can't, though, and that terrifies me even more. 

What's going on here? is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't speak a single word. Something weird is happening right now, and my heart starts beating erratically as panic spreads through my veins. I don't want to be here anymore, but River is pulling me forward, his grip becoming tighter. I gasp in pain, and he looks back at me, a hint of a smile on his face. 

Just ahead, a large building grows from the ground up, dark and imposing in the moonlight. He leads me to a side door, crunching over leaves and branches on our way there. He produces a keychain from his front pocket, one that I've never seen before. River lets go of me to unlock the metal door, and I have half a mind to run away from him and get back to the Academy. Before I'm able to start running, River swings the door open, motioning for me to go in there.

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