Chapter Eighteen

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Early morning sun seeps in through the windows as I step out of my capsule, hiding a quick yawn behind my hand. Glancing behind me at the two other tubs, I frown when I see that Adam and Chase are missing. Checking my phone that's plugged in near my capsule, my frown deepens. It's seven in the morning; where would my brothers be?

Stepping down from the ledge, I look at Leo's couch. He's currently wrapped up in a fuzzy green blanket, his hands thrown over his head and his feet hanging over the edge. I giggle to myself while snapping a few photos of him looking like an absolute dork. I save them to a file titled "Leo's Worst Side" before slipping my phone into the back pocket of the black jeans I picked out for today. Across from Leo is Emmie's bed, but she's also not in it. 

Rabbit and Bunny are hopping around the small enclosure, so I tiptoe over to them, making sure I don't wake my least favorite brother up. Crouching down, I sigh when both of my knees pop at the same time. Lately, my legs have been hurting because I haven't been out on a run by myself, so I'm going to have to find time during my busy schedule to enjoy some me time. Sticking my fingers through the metal gate, Bunny hops forward, a small part of a lettuce leaf sticking to his whiskers. 

"How are you, little buddy?" I whisper to him as I pluck the lettuce off of his cute face. He nibbles on the lettuce and takes it from me, so I take that time to run my fingers over his black fur, smiling at him. "You sure are cute. Too bad your owner is replacing me with my brothers as her best friends."

Something white shifts in the background, and I peer behind Bunny to see Rabbit staring at him, his nose twitching. I pick up a chunk of red bell pepper and hold it out for him, fending Bunny off with my other fingers that are smushed through the metal cage. Rabbit slowly hops toward me, and he takes it from me, quickly hopping back to the little house in the left corner of the cage. Joy courses through my veins as I watch them eat the food Emmie set out for them. 

"How can two little animals bring me so much joy?" I say out loud, sitting back on my hands. I can't help but smile as they munch on their food. And then I remember the last time I was alone with them. Well, I wasn't really alone. River was with me, and he hurt me. Pain spreads through the wrist he hurt, and I sit up and start massaging it, knowing that the bruise is gone already. I subconsciously shudder at the thought of someone hurting me -- but he didn't mean to, right? Of course not. "Hey, I'm sorry for letting you two out a while back," I say to them, but they aren't paying attention to me. "It wasn't my fault."

"Who are you talking to?" a groggy voice says behind me. I nearly fall backward, but I manage to keep myself crouching. Looking over my shoulder, I see Leo sitting up on his couch, his blanket falling off of his shoulders, revealing a T-shirt with the cover art of his movie that he wanted to win that big award a few months ago. "Bree?"

"Good, you're up," I say, hopping up. I point to Emmie's bed and then the two empty capsules, and his head whips between the two areas of the room, a frown on his face. "Where is everyone?"

Leo hums a response, standing up. His green blanket falls to the floor in a fuzzy heap as he runs a hand across the top of his head, yawning loudly. "I remember Emmie saying something about a Christmas surprise," he said, shaking his head. He gives me a weird look, and I cross my arms over my chest. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I didn't know where they went." I blink at him, wondering why tears sprung to my eyes. Clearing my throat, I shake my head. "Thank you, though, for answering my question."

Leo looks at me with his dark brown eyes, and it seems like a trick of the light, but he quickly nods once. "You're welcome," he says. Then, he turns away from me, stretching his hands high above his head. Even from here, I can hear his back pop, and I crinkle my nose. "Ooh, that was so good!"

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