"Now is the time"

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Imagine Dreamers

Do you want to dance in the rain? Or are you awaiting the end of the storm? Or are you looking for signs that the storm is approaching? If you're the one who sits by the window and watches the world go by. There are many things you can do in advance to prepare. Just look for the signals and follow them! Learn to dance is one of them.

The first step is to be yourself and not worry about what other people think! Allow yourself to be free! It doesn't matter what someone else thinks; it just matters what you think! You know that if you go out dancing in the rain, a lot of people will look at you and think you're crazy! That you've misplaced it! They won't really understand until they go out and dance in the rain with you!

All is the same! They must be able to see and comprehend what is going on! I've either danced or simply stood in the rain. It's raining outside, so go for a dance. Have fun! Allow people to ask why you're doing this. Allow them to wonder as they look out the window at the approaching Storm.

I'm sure once the storm arrives, some will remember how much fun it is to dance in the rain! The rain aids in the removal of soil and the purification of the air. Allow it to wash over you as it cleanses the Earth! Allow yourself to laugh, dance, giggle, and jump in puddles.

Please understand that I am not encouraging you to go outside and be hit by lightning!

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