"Shine on!"

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Imagine Dreamers

What a lovely Monday! All have a wonderful day! Every day, I make the decision to love.

Is it simple? No, it's not true.

Is it really worth it? CERTAINLY.

The greatest vibration is love. It's the force that keeps the internal harmony and tranquility going. It's about having a sense of personal strength and authenticity. All things are healed by love. All benefits from love. Everything is created by love.

Our planet becomes a happier place when we live with passion. We see the beauty in everyone and everything we come into contact with. We allow you to take risks. We are catalysts for shift. We band together for greater causes that aren't directly related to who we are.

Love begins on the inside. Decide today to love yourself fully and unconditionally! Become an expert in that field. Then show the rest of the world what you've learned. Now, more than ever, we need it!

Just know that I have faith in you. I believe you are deserving of this life and so much more. Please know that I am aware of your abilities, strengths, and qualities. I'm sure you still have a lot to tell us. I want you to know that I am rooting for you on your road to self-discovery. And remember that every day is your chance to shine.

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