Broken Mirror

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Broken mirror, broken mirror,

What do you see?

A haunted face, sullen eyes,

Is that truly me?

The sharp shades of glass,

Scattered all across the floor.

Why I ask does this happen?

I just don't want it anymore.

Broken mirror, broken mirror.

My lips are swollen, my eyes like coal.

Why did this have to happen to me...

It has broken my soul.

My figure is hunched, my dirty hair limp,

My hands shaking from the cold.

The hard ground is uncomfortable to sleep on,

My nostrils filled with rot, dirt and mould.

Broken mirror, broken mirror,

Why did you have to fall apart?

Did I sin or was I bold?

Did I deserve a shredded heart?

Fear is my every day now.

No sleep. No rest. No play.

I'm sorry for all the bad I did,

I'm sorry for coming in the way.

Broken mirror, broken mirror.

I miss my dolls, my bed, my comb.

Most of all, I miss my parents,

I've had enough - I wanna go home.

The streets are busy at night,

My clothes are non-existent, almost bare.

The shadows lengthen, laughter rings loud.

Everything is just a great big scare.

Broken mirror, broken mirror,

What am I to be?

A saint? A sinner?

What do you see?

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