Chapter 5 the game

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Adam's POV
We decided to have 1 v 5. Emma knew how to play so it was her against me, Charlie, guy, Connie, russ and Goldberg as our goalie. Emma's goal was empty because she didn't tell us any rules or how to play so we get more players and she knows everything. Emma started with the ball and made it around Charlie by faking him out. Then she came to me and did a really cool move by I didn't know what it was called. And in the madder of 5 seconds the ball went in the goal.
"Hey this ball is bigger than the puck and the goal is bigger than our goal no wonder you are winning" Goldberg said to Emma.
Emma said "I guess tough hockey players can't take on a little girl in a game of soccer are u kidding me you guys would be killing me if you knew the rules!" Right back at Goldberg.
"We could win if we knew the rules" I said
"Hey I have to go home but meet me here tomorrow at the same time and learn the rules Ill bring my team and et your team ready and text me" Emma said.
I guess we will be playing soccer tomorrow lets hope we can figure it out!

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