Chapter 2 texting

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Adam's POV

After emma left I started to talk to Charlie. He started asking me all these questions about her. To be honest I knew nothing about her except that she played soccer. My phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was and it was emma. While I was texting her I knew that Charlie was looking over my shoulder the whole time.

Conversation between Adam and Emma

Emma- Heyy

Adam- Hi

Emma- your friend is cute

Adam- um what

Emma- I'm kidding don't worry

Adam- okay wanna hang out?

Emma- sure what do you want to do?

Adam- meet me where you play soccer at 7 but in the hockey area

Emma- okay see ya then

I turned to see Charlie looking at me. He started to smile. I liked Emma but not like I like you cause your cute, I like Emma because she is herself. It's already 4 and Charlie is ganna help me to be ready by 7. I hope she like hockey or at least wants to try it.

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