Chapter 4 The date

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Adam's POV

I went back onto the ice and Emma didn't moved. I grabbed all the stuff and headed back to Emma. She put it all on and then we started to skate. She was a natural, "Hey Emma" Julie said as she skated next to us. After we had fun skating we started to play hockey. Emma was a natural that too. she seemed to be perfect at everything. Then Charlie came up to me and asked if she was better than him, so I told him to have a one v one to see and they did. "Go Emma" I yelled, and Charlie gave me a stare. It was tied the score 3-3, 10 seconds left and Emma scored winning her first hockey game! "Now lets play some soccer!" I said and we walked over to the field as we took off our stuff. Emma had beautiful cleats they were a baby blue color. Time for hockey players to become soccer players.

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