Chapter 6 this is real

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Emma's POV
It was 6 and my team was warming up I wonder where the hockey kids are. I don't remember any names but Adams. They started to walk over to me but I stopped them before they could see my team.
"Guys they think you stink so please try your best and we will go easy unless you magically become good," I said
"Okay we will try our best!" Adam answered with a smile
We each headed to our benches. My team was all pumped and we ran out to the field to our spots. The ducks took a little longer than we did to get on the field but they did.
"Go" I said and my team quickly moved forward and the ducks dust move. Adam tried to get the ball but missed. Soon we played for an hour and the game was over, my team won 27-0. Once we got to 27 we stopped scoring. Adam came up to me.
Adam's POV
I walked over to Emma
"Hey Emma do you wanna come with our team to play some hockey then pizza?" I asked
"Yeah sure sounds fun" Emma answered.
We headed over to the hockey ring holding hands with Emma's head on my shoulder. Emma was amazed by what the ring looked like. I pointed to a sign in the conner that said "Emma will you be my girlfriend?" She shook her head saying yes and started crying.
"I never properly asked you out" I said
She gave me a big hug while she was in tears. I had a huge smile on my face. Emma made me happy.

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