These guys are a bit Out There

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As soon as they got back to the museum, they were nearly captured again by Horatio. He had seen them disappear and had set up a perimeter around the Ice Age exhibit, but because of their use of the cave paintings, they had instead come back to the museum a few feet outside the exhibit. Horatios men were all facing into the exhibit, so Melanie and Cameron were able to evade detection for the time being. They made their way to the museum cafe.

"We need to figure out what to do next," said Melanie. "I don't think flying into random time periods is getting us any closer to getting Imhotep home."

"Yeah, how do we get Imhotep home?" asked Cameron. "Our only Egyptian section in the museum brought us to a time way later than Imhoteps time. If we are only going to be able to go to places that have exhibits in this museum, we may be out of luck."

"I guess we could try a different museum," suggested Melanie.

"No, I..." Cameron paused. "Melanie, you have such complicated ideas. This adventure is getting worse and worse because YOU are thinking of weird ideas!"

"No, YOU are making it harder and harder to get Imhotep home because you're goofing around whatever time we go to!"

The siblings started to argue (again). 2 twins, around the same age as Melanie and Cameron noticed them and came over. The girl wore a grey dress with black tights and the boy wore a white shirt with black pants. They both had dark hair. Their skin was very pale. The boy held a green parrot on his finger and the girl had a dog with her. (These kids will come out in another story coming soon)

"Hey, are you okay?" the girl asked, and Melanie and Cameron looked towards them.

"Don't fight in such a historical place as this!" the boy said, and the parrot and dog made his words sound more fabulous by flying around him and walking elegantly.

"Uh..." Cameron said. "Okay."

"If there is a problem, we might be able to help you," the girl said.

"With, perhaps, science," the boy said, and raised an eyebrow and grinned at Melanie.

"Uh..." Melanie said. She looked around to make sure nobody was listening, and said, "Listen closely."

The twins looked serious.

Melanie and Cameron explained their situation very quietly. The twins listened seriously and seemed to understand what was going on.

"That seems like an ABSURD adventure!" the boy said. "My FAVORITE KIND!"

"We've been through stuff like this before," the girl said. "We might be able to help you."

"With scien-" the boy started to say but the girl nudged him strongly.

"I like this guy's style," Cameron said. "Well, Patrick the Pirate, we know how to travel in time and get back here. But what we don't know is how to travel to any specific time. We only seem to be able to get to times that are represented here by exhibits in this museum."

"Oh, we can help you with that," the boy said. "With SCIENCE!"

"Oh Vincent, you love science TOO MUCH," the dog said.

"The dog talks," Melanie said, impressed. "Does the par-"

"Oh Victoria, how kind of you to help these young people," the parrot said. Melanie nodded.

"Your names are Victoria and Vincent?" Cameron asked, and the girl nodded.

"We're from England," she said.

"That explains the accent," Melanie said.

"We need a hypothesis," Vincent said. "And we must-"

"TIME TRAVEL!" Victoria finished for him, and they pointed at the ceiling dramatically. Cameron and Melanie laughed.

Cameron and Melanie explained how the time travel had worked so far, and Vincent and Victoria listened in. Vincent started to pace around the cafe table, and Victoria started to scratch her chin in thought. Right at that moment, one of Horatios henchmen started to walk around the cafe outside the glass window.

"Oh, and there is something else we need to tell you," Melanie said. "We are being followed by a man pretending to be our uncle who wants to kidnap us and use the ankh to destroy the time rifts."

"A fake uncle, you say?" Vincent said. "We have some experience dealing with that sort!" (told you, coming soon ;)

Before Melanie or Cameron could ask Vincent what he meant, the henchman turned the corner and started to head into the cafe. "I think we need to hurry," said Melanie.

"Well I think I have a hypothesis," said Victoria. "I believe if we find two objects from different years, and we use the Ankh around them, we will travel to the average of the two years. So if we found something from 2000 and from 1000, we'd end up in 1500."

"Victoria, your hair is a mess!" the dog said.

"Mummy, it's fine," Victoria said, although she touched it to make sure.

"Vincent, you better shut up about science or else-" the parrot started to say.

"No, Daddy, YOU shut up," Vincent said.

"Are the animals your parents?" Cameron asked.

"No. 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' are their names," Victoria said.

"What do you call your real parents?" Melanie asked.

"Mother and Father," Vincent said.

"These guys are a bit out there," said Cameron quietly to Melanie. "I love it!"

"Okay, well let's hurry. We can head into the European section over here," Victoria suggested.

They went that way and were being followed by the man, who seemed to be using walkie-talkies to communicate with other henchmen. They guy stuck in the European section between an exhibit on the history of England and another on the history of the European union. Henchmen were closing in on all sides.

"Well it's now or never, lads," said Vincent. He grabbed a display of the Battle of Hastings and then held his sister's hand. The group formed a continuous human chain with Melanie holding an exhibit about the Maastricht Treaty. Imhotep grabbed on, held the Ankh, and the wooshed away in time just as the henchman came close.

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