2 ~ Grumps

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"Adelaide!!!" my Mom screeched through the house, my eyes slowly lifted open as I sat up in my bed with my arms stretching up right in front of me. I pushed my laptop and yesterday's textbooks off of my lap,

 "I didn't finish," I muttered to myself with a sigh, my face buried in my hands.

"Adelaide! Don't ignore your Mom" My Dad called through my door as he bashed his hand against it, he left his hand there waiting... "Adelai-"

"Yes, I'm coming!" My voice started out with more of a violent scream before I let it drift down to a more casual tone. I rushed around my room pulling my slightly washed-out blue baggy jeans up to where they should be, pulled my opened-back white t-shirt over my head, and dragged my brush through my long dark brown hair. I swung my bag over my shoulder and opened my door to see my Dad still standing in the doorway, he shook his head and gave me the 'disappointed' look and I've never been able to get rid of it. I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him a forced smile followed by a sigh as I walked away from him as fast as I could avoiding any conversation.

I stumbled my way into the kitchen and grabbed myself a protein bar from the pantry, I turned around to see my Mom sitting at the table surprised to see her there even though she's there every day since I can remember. "Mom!" I could hear myself sounding surprised and I had no idea why.

"You have to leave" She replied in her usual dull tone as she pointed towards the clock above the stove. "you're going to be late!" her eyebrows slowly started to raise, she wanted me gone that second.

"Yeah...I am." I said through a deep breath pulling food out of the fridge and dropping it into my bag for lunch, not caring what it was at the moment. If I don't leave now I'm going to be late, and if I'm late...I don't even want to think about what will happen.

"now Adelaide." She demanded in her dull and emotionless tone...yet again. I didn't even reply, I just nodded my head, grabbed my bag, and made my way out of the house.

I climbed out of my car once I arrived at school, pulled my bag over my shoulder, and made my way inside and towards my locker. You could say I was only a few steps away from making it to my planned destination before I fell over one of my feet in a rush, my bag fell open letting every textbook and piece of paper fall out of it. "shit!" I muttered to myself as a crouched down in an attempt to grab anything before it got stood on, I heard a laugh not too far away from me. I didn't even need to look up to check who it was...Emilia and her little posy standing not far from me were amused over the fact that I fell right before their eyes. I gave out a short sigh and shook my head slightly as I continued to grab everything I could at once. Another hand joined me in that, my eyes sprung up shocked to see someone helping me. "I don't need your help!" I snapped after realizing who it was, I gave him a harsh and rude tone making me sound extremely similar to my mother...but that's not the top of my concerns right now.

"Well...call it to support then." He replied in a similar tone as mine, with his eyebrows raised following with that stupid smile he makes when he gets what he wants. I took everything from his hands and shoved it into my bag not caring about the condition it would be in after, not saying any words in response I threw my bag over my shoulder and got ready to walk away. "Calm down Ads," He said in a mocking tone, as he stood up leaving his face not far from mine. His eyes stared through mine waiting for them to connect, I kept myself facing in a different direction just hoping he took the hint. "Come on Ads, you know you want to." his breath hit across my cheek as he spoke, he inches closer and I shook my head once more.
"No Chad...I really don't," I turned to him and tilted my head slightly, I gave him a small friendly smile and stepped away. "Thanks for the help...Chad." I turned away and walked myself to my class, having to deal with hauling my hooks around instead of them being in my locker. Feeling Chad's eyes following me from behind, walking down the hall seeing everyone in the groups completely oblivious that anyone was even walking around then. 

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