5 ~ Aid

75 12 33


"Jax-" Dean was interrupted by yet another scream for help, "I really think something is wrong out there." I looked to him with a nod as I slowly made my way to the door.

"well done Dean...I'm glad you noticed" I shook my head seeing Misha snicker from the corner of the room. "you two go party, I'm gonna go sort this shit out". I pulled the handle back on the door, I hate these pissing parties. Every fucking one of them. I slowly opened the door and pushed my hair away from my face, I looked both ways down the hall to try and see where and what dean was doing but I couldn't see him. I walked down following the multiple screams from this girl, he was obviously doing something and it needed to stop right there. I stood not far from the two of them, was it Grumps. Oh shit, it was fucking Grumps. "CHAD" I roared from the top of my lungs, as he jumped and slowly turned to face me. His hands still not leaving the girl just yet.

"what's wrong with you?" he snapped back at me with a frown forming between his eyebrows. Not moving his glance from mine, as my fist clenched. I would kill him if I could, with no hesitation.

"let the girl go" I replied shortly, through my clenched teeth. I looked over to her, her breaths deep and fragile. Her vulnerability getting to the best of her, its the only reason that Chad wanted her here. It would be an easy one to get... "Chad now" I snapped as he carried on ignoring me, I took a step closer to him- his hands still not leaving her skin, but you could see his grip getting tighter. Adelaide, a small tear fell down her face as I watched her panic hit her once again. She kept her mouth shut the best she could before letting go of a sob. Fuck, I was feeling bad for a shitty girl. I kept my face as cold and emotionless as I could, as I had too.

My clenched fist swung up and hit Chad just below his eye, as he stumbled back I threw grumps behind me. Following him with my fist up and ready to strike again, I punched him over and over again leaving his face bruised and battered. "you dare, do something like this in our house again and it will be more than a punch you'll be bleeding from" I spat down to him before stomping on his stomach and kicking him away.

I turned and faced Adelaide, shit. What am I supposed to do now. Take her to my room? Give her some clothes? Drive her home? Fuck knows. "did he hurt you?" my voice was still angry, I couldn't help it at this point

"n-no, no he didn't" She stuttered I knew this was a lie, and looking at her bruised hand confirmed it to me but she didn't look in pain. At least not enough to show it. I wrapped my hand around her wrist and started pulling her towards my room, my grip tight on her, just not tight enough to hurt her in any ways. I made sure of that, of course I fucking did. "I can just go home now you know?" She spoke breaking the silence between us, but I left her unanswered. Once we was inside my room I pushed the door too so it was nearly shut, I walked her over and made her sit down on the chair as I pulled out some ice from my mini fridge. I wrapped the ice with a shirt left on the end of my bed and placed it on her already bruised wrist. "you don't have to do this" She shook her head making me feel twice as bad as before. Her presence gave a small touch on my body, my stomach running circles, my eyes having no clue were to look and my dick...god, fuck knows what it was trying to do. But whatever it was it wasn't the time, so I ignored it- of course I did.

"I know" I spoke through my teeth, even though my comment was a little late I thought it was best to just act like it was all on time. "I'm just helping a lost cause" Shit- her face dropped almost. Was that mean? Shit. Fuck. What the fuck am I supposed to do now, I shook my head and shrugged throwing my ass down on my bed so I was sat. I could see her gaze was looking at me through the corner of my eye, I cleared my throat and turned towards her. "do you want a drink or something?" I pushed myself off my bed not taking my gaze off of her...I mean can you blame me?

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