4 ~ Forced

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Hey guysss, soo this part will be including some brief subjects of rape and being forced to do stuff you don't want to do.

I know this was in the tw list at the start, but I would just like to put it out there now its a bit closer!!

I walked down my stairs and into my front porch ready to leave for this party. I had a nice cute pink little dress on and was carrying a small black clutch bag. "where are you going?" my mom called from the living room.

"out." I replied bluntly as I opened the door, this is not going to go well on them. And they really are never going to forgive me...its not like I've just gone out and murdered someone- but these are my parents after all. Once I made it out to my car, I climbed into the drivers seat and threw my bag on the seat beside me. Am I actually doing this? Me? I am going to a party? What the hell. I sat there looking in my car mirror for what felt like hours, checking that I was the standards most the girls at that party would be expecting.

My hair was left straight and hanging down my back, with my eyelashes drowning in mascara. I took a deep breath and pushed the mirror closed ready to drive off to where the part is- the
Brooks house...Shit.

I drove up into the porch and sat there taking a deep breath before pulling my bag strap over my shoulder. I step out of my car and slam the door shut behind me, others where around but not paying any attention to me being there...as usual. I walked up to the door only for it to be swung open the moment I went to push it. "wow...your here" Chad said with his eyes wide, he gave me a small smile as he checked me out.

"Yep...I'm here" I said as I waved my hands showing no enthusiasm what so ever, I took a small glance up to him as his eyes where still burning into mine with an almost hungry look.

"So...babes, you gonna come in or just stand there all day?" He said with a small smirk trying to build a joke with me, a joke that was no where near funny.

"Well if I come in do I have to speak to you?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows up to him, trying to show him I am not any where interested.

"That's what you came here for right?" He gave me a wink...a fucking wink who does he think he is. Then I felt his arm slide over my shoulders as he hauled me into the house. Everyone was dancing, their red solo cups in their hands- all the groups were still a thing outside of school. Chad carried on pulling me towards the kitchen, as I still left the silence between us. "You want a drink babe?" He pulled his arm away from me, and I stepped away the moment he did.

"No...no I'm okay" I returned simply with a small smile.

"No babe, you have to have a drink...it's party tradition" He spread his arms wide raising his eyebrows, I looked around and everyone was looking as I continued to shake my head.

"Fine-" I sigh escaped my mouth...I don't want anything-I can't. Chad passed me a cup filled to the rim...great fucking great.

"Drink up, baby" He said with a smirk that almost made me want to throw up...why am I even here? I threw back my cup finishing my drink before slamming my cup back down onto the counter. "Now babe, what are you up for doing now?" That fucking smirk stayed across his face...ugh.

I took a few steps back and started walking towards the door. "I'm getting this party started" I knew I wasn't going to, but- he doesn't need to know that. Chads mouth started to open ready to talk, I raised my hand up in-front of him "by myself" I said in a confident voice...well as confident as I could.

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