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Mark arrives back at School beaten and bloodied from his previous fight with the Nomu

"Oh my god what happened to your face?" William comments.

"I got in a fight..." mark says holding his hand to his face.

"With what? a Gorilla?" he responds.

mark thinks back to the creatures appearance.

mark thinks back to the creatures appearance

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That's really not so far off...

Later he's having the same conversation with eve except with the bonus of being able to disclose more information.

"I hope you got a few good licks in on him." Eve sarcastically states.

"Oh yeah, Got quite a few in." Mark responds jokingly. "Flew him into space and everything."

"Space? really?" Eve retorts doubtfully

"Yeah turns out Space is REALLY useful..." Mark jokes.

"Damn, you can fly, have super strength, Super Speed, Super endurance, Super durability AND you can go into space..." Eve exclaims. "Guess you really are Damn near--"

(Ight I found this and am now gonna use it as an OP cuz i want at least one story that has an OP and this one is perfect for it)

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(Ight I found this and am now gonna use it as an OP cuz i want at least one story that has an OP and this one is perfect for it)

Later that Day Mark is Throwing a ball to himself

he hurls the ball as hard as he can waiting

sure enough 14 seconds later the ball comes back as he catches it

"Wow this is kinda depressing...." he thinks to himself "Kinda wish I had someone to do this with..."

he throws the ball a few more times before deciding to kill his boredom by donning his costume and going on patrol

he blasts through the sky at mach 8 looking for something ANYTHING to do today

he blasts through the sky at mach 8 looking for something ANYTHING to do today

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as he flies he notices a stand off between police and a single man

his pale Caucasian skin is only made more noticeable by his Snow white hair

he's dressed in a dark brown trench coat over a stained tank top and ripped jeans

(Idk why I just wanted to do a quick sketch of em..)

(And I hate it

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(And I hate it....)

in his arms he's holding a clean cut suited man

"TAKE ONE MORE STEP AND I RIP OUT HIS FUCKING JUGULAR!" he says tightly grabbing the mans neck and holding it to his mouth.


the Police seem to be taking his threat seriously.

Mark scouts from a nearby building looking for the perfect time to interfere.

"All that I require is that you get me a fight with Crust and only Crust! Ever since I first saw that Prick all I've wanted is to Rip out his throat!"

he pauses....

"And five Million yen would also be nice..." he adds lifting his head up.

"THUS SPEAKS BITEFORCE!!!!" He bellows gripping his hostage tight

Taking this opportunity Mark blasts himself forward leaving a crumbling dent in the building

quickly grabbing the hostage and using himself as a cushion he crashes into a telephone pole still not 100% getting the hang of slowing down.

releasing the man he quickly runs toward the police as Mark recovers

"I've had better landings..." he mumbles rubbing the back of his head.

"You're not Crust!" the Villain exclaims gritting his teeth.

"Yes, and you're not Chuck. E Cheese." Mark retorts picking up a small rock and chucking it at his opponent hoping to knock him out quickly.

only to be taken aback as the rock is caught in his mouth and reduced to rubble

BITEFORCE: This Mutant Type Quirk gives its user incredible biting strength on top of that the Enamel that makes up his teeth are several times stronger than steel as such his bones are slightly more durable than a normal persons

"You Idiot!" Biteforce mutters spiting out geological chunks. "My Quirk, Biteforce allows me to bite with 30,790psi, That's stronger than a crocodile's!!!"

"Wait so your Quirk is called Biteforce?" Mark asks.

the Villain nods.

"AND your villain name is Biteforce?"

Biteforce nods affirmatively again.

"What kind of Unoriginal Jackass names themselves after their own Quirk?" Mark inquires offensively.

"The Kind that's going to Rip out your Jugular!" Biteforce says lunging forward with his mouth open.

"You really like Neck don't you." Mark says drifting out of the way to dodge.

"The Neck is every Animals weak point, only the strongest Predators know this!" Biteforce Declares. "a Jaguar can easily kill you before you realize you're dead by going for such."

"Oh so you're a PREDATOR now?" Mark sarcastically remarks dodging his attacks tauntingly.

"Not just any Predator! I am the Apex Predator! The one above the foodchain!" Biteforce gloats.

"Is that right?" Marks says as he stops dodging and puts his arm up blocking his bite.

Biteforce clamps down onto Mark's arm with all his power, but it does nothing

to Mark this just feels like a 6 year old Squishing his arm.

before Biteforce can regret his decision Mark reels back a punch and Strikes him across the face knocking him out cold while also knocking out a few teeth.

The Police all look awestruck by Marks display before remembering he's also breaking the law by being a vigilante and attempting to arrest him.

but unlike most of the time its only a few of them that try to uphold the law whether out of respect or fear.

and obviously being a 17 year old high school student with a bright future he can't risk a criminal record and blasts off.

The Invincible Hero: Invincible (MHAxIMAGECOMICS)Where stories live. Discover now