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bao held in a scream, the act easy from experience. hawks had dived off the building, arms holding them tight while bao's legs wrapped around his thighs. the wind caused their hair to go up, face burying in hawks' neck. soon, the abrasive wind went away. hawks started flying up, then beginning to fly parallel to the city once he was a safe height in the air.

the vision of the building blurred, leaving bao's sight as they lifted their head. the air was clear and cold, harsh on their face as it was uncovered. their hands near froze, the thickness and coverage of hawks' hero uniform, which he currently wore, began to make more sense.

the flight was strangely calming, though the thrashing of bao's hair was annoying, the feeling of weightlessness was nice. it morbidly reminded bao of their jump, the feeling was similar. that same feeling of being in the air, the rush of adrenaline and the pounding of their heart constant in their ears. they didn't know if they liked it or hated it, all they knew was that this time, they were sure they wouldnt meet concrete. the feeling of hawk's arms around their waist was apparent, his grasp tight as he held onto them, his face pointed forwards as his wings flapped loudly. they caught bao's attention, their eyes fixated on the rustling, bright red feathers. they glanced at hawks face, of which wore a smile. he seemed so genuinely happy, it was heart warming.

they were safe, right here, flying dozens of feet off the ground. it seems so incredibly unsafe, the possibility of falling so clear. but bao trusted hawks, he was strong and seemingly liked holding them. they knew he wouldn't drop them. and if he did, he'd catch them, just like last time. they wouldn't die this way.

the street lights below flew by, just streaks of brightness against the dark background of the street. the lights from windows smeared together from the speed they flew, the image strangely nice.

soon, they felt hawks slow. their eyes were closed, opening to see a highway bridge below them.

their body met concrete, hawks had slowed to a stop and set them down on a pillar that held up the bridge. then, he sat down next to them, allowing his wings to relax and his posture to falter, slumping over. his elbows fell onto his knees, head in his hands as he looked at the city and river down below. bao pushed their hair out of their face, the stillness suddenly strange and uncomfortable as they mimicked hawks' actions. though, they instead watched the young man beside them. he seemed so calm, eyes lost as though he was thinking, probably about something stupid rather than deep. he moved, gently pushing his headphones down to his necks and his visor up into his hair, keeping the blonde locks pushed back. it was now that bao noticed the eyeliner he wore. they had noticed it in the past, but never really looked at it. it complimented him, looked nice.

hawks brought his knees up, arms now crossed on top of them and head planted on his forearms, eyes lazily dancing from building to building, car to car.

bao glanced behind them, noticing a poll that stuck out of the pillar. they pushed on it with their hand, checking the stability before leaning back. their head fell back as well, against the cold metal while they stared at the sky. it was dark, as always, and few stars were out that night. the moon was visible in the distance, but they didn't care to look at it.

"so, why'd you bring me here?" bao asked, breaking the quiet, aside from the few cars that drove by below them.

"i like it here. yeah its cold as shit," hawks chuckled, "but its nice. calm up here, super different than the rush of hero life, ya know? its nice to just sit sometimes. i thought you'd like it too, you seem like the type to like these places. plus, i never have to worry about anyone stealing my spot." he once again chuckled to himself, a smile resting on his lips as his gaze on the city didnt waver. he didn't bother to look at bao, he didn't know why, he just didn't feel like it.

"cool. i understand why you like it up here, its nice. nice to get fresh air, rather my stuffy ass apartment." bao lightly laughed, also not looking at hawks.

the two sat in silence, it was calming and comforting. just being in the presence of the other, bao felt safe and hawks felt like he had a friend. it could get rather lonely up on the highway pillar, bao's company was nice, even nicer than it just being him alone.

"i found you a place. a place to work, its a nice kitchen downtown. they needed a new cook, i already got an application for you, if you'd like it." hawks spoke quietly, calmly, anything louder would just be obnoxious in the cool air.

bao was surprised he found somewhere so fast, surprised he even looked to be honest. doesnt he have work to do? he's a pro-hero, shouldn't he be worried about that?

"oh, uh, thank you. i didn't expect you to search so soon," bao smiled, picking their head up and looking at the back of hawks'.

"yeah yeah of course, as i said, i dont want you livin' on the streets. pay is good, should be able to cover rent and bills, even a little extra for food and something else you might like."

bao sat, surprised at hawks' actions. he actually checked to see that the job would cover everything bao needed, and it was cooking. something they were good at and enjoyed doing. they had someone who yet again proved that they cared, they put in effort to keep them safe.

"thank you, keigo," was all they could mutter, slightly confused as to why he was putting in so much effort.

"no need to thank me, it was just something small i could do for you."

the two smiled, bao moving to look down at the city, hawks' vision remaining there.

unlike earlier, the lights didn't smear. they stayed little boxes from windows or rounded ovals from street posts, circles of light illuminated the street. occasionally bao would spot a pedestrian walking, going who knows where so late at night.

hawks and bao sat for seemingly hours, though it was only about two. silence sat over them, neither breaking it. there was no tension, no breaking to be done.

it was comfortable. the light breeze, the whir of few cars driving below, the yellow lights, the moon. it was nice.

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