Will you marry me?

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Roman: Hey Sasha, Ryan and I are leaving.

Sasha: Okay, be back soon! I'm gonna make her favorite lunch.

Roman: Will do. See ya soon.

( at the mall)

Roman: Do you think mommy will like this ring?

Ryan: Yeah dada!

Roman: Is it pretty enough for mama?

Ryan: Yeah!

Ryan: Yeah!

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(The pink color represents their two kids!)

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(The pink color represents their two kids!)

Roman: We'll take both.

Cashier: Great! Is she your only one?

Roman: We've got a two month old at home too. I wanna make our relationship a step farther now that we have kids so I'm gonna prepose tonight on the beach.

Cashier: Aw cute! Congrats.

Roman: Thank you!

(At home)

Sasha: Hey kiddo! Do you wanna go wash your hands so you can have spaghetti?

Ryan: Yay spaghetti! -Claps her hands-

Sasha: What did you do with her?

Roman: I just looked a few things with her, nothing too special.

Sasha: Ah, okay.

Roman: How about we go to the beach tonight and watch the sunset?

Sasha: Sure! Can we go a little bit before the sun starts setting so I can get a few pictures of them in the sand?

Roman: Of course! You should wear your pink dress that you loved when Ryan was first born.

Sasha: Okay! I'm gonna get Savannah a bottle really quickly.

Roman: You just go relax and I'll get them fed and ready.

Sasha: Okay... I'll see you later.

Roman: Let's get you cleaned up so we can get you ready.

Roman cleaned Ryan up and put her in the bath as Savannah napped. He then put Ryan in a shirt that said, "will you marry dad?".

Roman: Perfect. I'm gonna get sissy ready, you can stay out here and watch cartoons.

Roman: Your such a pretty baby! You look just like your mama.

Sasha: Roman, are you ready?

Roman: Yeah! I'll go start the car.

(At the beach)

Roman: Okay kiddo, go stand by mom okay?

Ryan ran over to her mom and grabbed her hand.

Roman: Hey Sasha, can you hold Savannah?

Sasha: Sure!

Roman: Okay, I want you to unzip Ryan's hoodie and look at Savannah's onesie.

Sasha: -mumbles while reading- Roman-

Roman: Will you marry me?

Sasha: Yes!

Roman: Happy Mother's Day baby.

Sasha: Thank you so much Roman, I feel so special.

Roman: Good, I'm so happy you feel special.

Sasha: I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with you! I'm just so happy right now.. it's crazy.

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