I'm so in love with you

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"Hey everything's going to be just fine. Let's take a few deep breaths" Roman said. Meanwhile I was more worried about how this was going to affect my unborn daughter. I tried regaining some of the breath I had lost but it was no use I couldn't crying uncontrollably.

More and more people came over as they probably heard my cries. Roman knew how embarrassed I was to be crying in a mall full of people do the whole time he stood in front of me, shielding me from whatever dirty looks I was getting for causing a problem.

I continued struggling to regain breath and passed out. At least I don't have to watch people panic.. soon I woke up in a bed with a mask on. After asking Roman a few questions he explained that it was helping me get air just in case I started having a hard time regaining it again.

"Do I have to stay overnight?" I asked softly. "No, but they do have to get an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay. I let them know that your expecting a little girl but I have no clue how far along you are or when your due date is so I was really no help at all." He replied with.

"Well, my due date is in august and I'm 5 and a half months." I smiled. "Okay cool." Roman said. He then took off his shirt and got into bed with me. I'm just ready to go home and sleep, I'm sure Roman feels the same way. 

(At their house) "Hey Sasha" Roman called from upstairs. "Yeah?" Sasha questioned as she came up. "What is this?" He asked holding up a Lacey see through tank-top. "You would never wear that.." 

I had to think of a something quickly so I didn't have to explain my past. "I uh.." is all I could get out before Roman out a finger on my mouth. "Ah ah, don't even lie. You wore this for parties, huh?" He said with a smirk. "How?" Sasha said as she turned pale. Before Sasha became a mom she did appear to be a good teen but when she was supposed to be at her boyfriends house she was at parties. The only thing that stopped her was finding out she was having a baby.

" I have my ways." Said Roman. Sasha rolled her eyes and climbed onto the bed and watched as Roman pulled his t-shirt off and lay in bed with her. "You never answered my question." He whispered. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." 

Roman pulled her into a quick kiss then hugged her tightly. "She's pretty active in there, isn't she", he whispered putting a hand on her bump. "Very!" Sasha giggled. The two were in their own little world. Roman was happy to see his girl smiling and laughing, it brought back memories from when they were teens.

"I'm so in love with you." Sasha whispered. "I'm very much in love with you and I can't wait to see the next little angel you bring into the world." Roman replied kissing her head. The couple soon let sleep come over them and peacefully snoozed.

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