Im heart broken

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I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
Well I would have known
What I was living for all along
What I've been living for
Your love is my turning page
Where only the sweetest words remain
Every kiss is a cursive line
Every touch is a redefining phrase
I surrender who I've been for who you are
For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart
If I had only felt how it feels to be yours
Well I would have known
What I've been living for all along
What I've been living for
Though we're tethered to the story we must tell
When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well
With a whisper we will tame the vicious seas
Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees

Elanoras POV:
I feel myself pushed to the front,someone pushing me forcefully.I couldn't walk or do anything,I was completely broken,my heart and soul shattered.My body ached,it hurt just walking knowing where I was headed.Knowing my life has just changed completely for the worst.My eyes lifeless and face empty to any emotion.The room suffocating me,the white walls eating me up slowly,I felt like I couldn't breathe with every step I took.The small room held countless of people paying there respect.

I stand shoulders shagged in the front of the funeral,this time I was burying the most important person to me.I watch in horror as they burry my husband,Maurizio.My tesoro,my love,the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with.He was supposed to be with me and Mauro forever until we grew old and crusty.

We were both supposed to be there when Mauro married and had beautiful kids,our grandchildren.

I feel my knees give out as I crawl to his coffin,I feel my newly shed tears fall from my eyes,
the sting of my eyes hurting my eyesight,
from crying all the time.

"You...wer...weren't supposed to"I say utterly heart broken,my heart re-shattering all over again,it felt sour saying that,it was like a bad taste in my tongue.It hurt everywhere.It hurt physically,mentally,and emotionally.My soul hurt so bad it hurt,it feels like I lost a part of me,I can never recover.

All our memories making it worse everything replaying in my head,all the kisses,all the hugs,all his lips and hands devouring me replaying in my head making it harder to stop.All the "I love you's" replaying like a song in repeat,all his stupid smirks I would kill to see,i would die to see his smile one more time,to see him look at me with love filled eyes one more time.To see and hear his jealous remarks when someone would look at me the wrong way,his possessiveness that always pissed me off,that I would now die to see.

"Y—you't le-leave me"I say crying my soul out to him.Tears falling down my cheeks rapidly,my breathing uneven,my heart filled with an ache that wouldn't go away.My body was shaking hastily,my hands trembling.

I feel hands wrap around me,I look over to see Lucas holding onto me with red puffy eyes.

"Heee...promised..meww"I say crying in his chest,I feel my heart wanting to burst out.

"He...saiddd he would...never..lea-ve meee"

" left me"

"—for-ever"I say crying like crazy.Ughh why they have to take him for real this time.

I get up letting Lucas go for a second to look at Maurizio in the coffin.

I cover my mouth to shut the sobs wanting to escape my mouth,my lips quivering and my body trembling looking at his cold body.

I touch his hand feeling it freezing cold.Hes cold maybe I should cover him.Hes freezing,he's always warm.

I take my sweater off covering him hoping he'd regain his warmness but nothing happened,he stayed cold.

"Nooo"I say grabbing his hand trying to pull him with me.

"Wake...up please....Iii need Y-ouuu"I say pulling him towards me more,my tears falling on his cold body.He wouldn't move,my baby wouldn't move.

"Mauro..needss—pa"I say hating the fact that he won't see his baby boy grow up.

"Comeee....ON WAKE—-UP GOD DAMIT...I NEED YOU"I say basically screaming at him.His body stayed still bringing a permanent frown on my face.

His figure wouldn't move even if I shaked him full force.

"PLE—ASE"I say begging him,my face shaking with tears.My heart wanting to burst at any minute,it ached so hard it hurt me physically.

I felt Lucas's hands wrap around my body pulling me back from Maurizio's body.

I pull away not wanting to leave him,I have to be with him.

"Noo let me go..he needs me"I say trying to pry Lucas hands off me,but it was impossible due to his strongness and due to my tiredness of not getting enough energy in my body.All the tired nights of crying and sleepless days without eating had me low on energy.

"MAURIZO"I scream so loudly,so loud,that my lungs burned in pain and my throat closed up.I gave up fighting Lucas hands on me.

He carried me out of the room with a motionless me,my body was numb to everything.Everything felt different with him not around me.It felt different because I couldn't feel him,I couldn't feel his soul with me,all I felt was an empty chest.

I felt a gap in my heart that only he can console with him by me.My body was in shock and that's when realization hit me full force.

He was gone forever.

Until another lifetime,My love.

It's time to turn a page without you.

Ahhh guys 😰😱😢
What are your thoughts?🤷‍♀️I mean you probably hate me or sum but who knows.

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