Family time pt:2

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Elanoras POV:
I look around for any vacant spots,to my annoyance there's only one left,next to Lorenzo who waves at me amusingly.

"Ughh"I sigh loudly

I walk over with Mauro who's playing with my hair.His little doe eyes wandering everywhere.

I sit down next to Lorenzo and Alma.I set Mauro down on my lap,his little hands exploring the whole table,grabbing anything he can play with.

"Hiii"I hear someone whisper yell in my ear.
I don't bother turning around to my right
as Lorenzo continues to whisper non sense in my ear.

"Stop"I hiss "Why where's the fun in that"

"God your so annoying"I hiss turning my face towards him,his brown eyes angering slightly,but he quickly looks away from me.God he got more muscly  and he looks a tad bit more mature.Gosh what am I saying .

"Your face pisses me off"he says making me smirk

"Your just admiring,no shame in that"I say as he rolls his eyes aggressively.

"Don't roll your eyes so aggressively,they might just get stuck"I say as Mauro starts tugging at my arms,I didn't get to see his face at my great comebacks.

"Yes my angel"I say as his toothy grin widens when I tickle his little sides,small giggles vibrate throughout the table.

"Aww Mauro,you look just like your papa"I hear Alma say as she strokes Mauros chubby cheeks,he giggles softly glancing at me.

"I know,just a replica of him"I say smiling at Alma who gives me a worried look.Her eyes glistening with tears,knowing my mind would be racing with thoughts of him.Him,he clouds my mind like a foggy night on a winter storm.

"Don't,please"I say as she nods her head slowly,
her eyes closing shut,probably trying to stop the tears from falling.

"And just as handsome as he was"I whisper super quietly,I'm sure no one heard me.

His eyes were my favorite thing about him.
They were beautiful,and just shined whenever we were together,
it was like each day a new spark grew between us,
we were a drug addicted to each other,
We were intoxicated with each other and
we were in need of each other's presence.

We were a blazing fires apart,
but a burning flame together.

I was cut off my thoughts when I hear Angeliques angelic voice call out for me.

"Elanora hows the little flower shop going"I hear Angelique ask me.Her blue eyes glued to mine,I send her a small smile,appreciating her trying to bond with me.

"It's doing well,a lot of the neighbors love too come and get flowers each week"I say as Maria starts serving food to everybody.I bought a small flower shop next to my house,it's small and cute,it was something I had decided to do with Maurizio before his death.We planned it together now it's just me.

Everyone starts digging into there food enjoying the warmth of being with each other.The strength of family.Angelique sends me a small smile before going back to converse with her husband Pierre.

I thank Maria when she serves me some meat and pasta.

I look down to see Mauro grinning while starring at the food,mm he sure does love food.Some things never get old,so much memories.

"Hey pass me the wine"I hear Esteban yell from across the table,his hands making a signal for me to get it.

"A please would be nice"I say still passing him the wine.

"Yeah whatever,thank you"he says pissing me off more than it should.

"I can't wait to get fucked up tonight"I hear Marcos mutter off in the distance to Adrian.

Ughh men and their dicks,thinking there superior.

I grab some pasta bringing it to Mauros mouth who gladly accepts the delicious pasta.

"Yummy or what"I whisper in his ear as every body gets in there own conversations.

"Yummmy mommy"I hear him mumble while chewing on it.

"Not better than mamas,mine is elite okay"I say as he laughs softly glancing at me.

"I know baby I'm hilarious,mamas got very funny over these years,and that's thanks to papa"I say to the small person who is my whole life.
I keep feeding him while shoving carne asada down my throat,it's just so juicy and good.Mmm I love food.

"Ohh no look who showed up"I hear someone mumble close to me.I look up astonished seeing the person walking to the table,I was caught off guard.

His face bringing a small pang in my chest,he was there with me when Maurizio died,he was also there,he was talking to Maurizio when all of a sudden Maurizio was on the floor throwing blood after blood out of his system.It brought horrible and hurtful memories of that day,the day I lost him forever.

My chest tightening in pain,I can feel my pulse elevating I can hear it in me,how fast my heart is beating.

"pablo que haces aqui"
(Pablo, what are you doing here?),
My father asks the man who looks like he just ran a marathon.He was sweaty head to toe,I can see the droplets of sweat dripping from his body.

What the hell?

Enjoy 😊
Ahh enemies I guess🥱❤️
Thanks for reading and see you in the next update.👋

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