Family time pt:1

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Elanoras POV:
"Do I have to"I ask for the tenth time to Lucas who rolls his eyes.

"I don't want to"I say stubbornly,
my feet stopping while holding Mauro in my hands,his face in my neck,resting peacefully.

I hate coming to family gatherings because I can't stand Lorenzo,he pisses me off for no reason.I have no clue why,his face has irritated me more since Maurizio's death.Theres this itch when I get close to him that irritates the fuck out of me,I don't know what it is about him that has my anger going to another level.

We haven't gotten along since high school which was five years ago.We can't be in the same room for more than five minutes because will start bickering like five years olds.Ughh lately he just irritates me,I get this gut feeling that I don't like,
it's a warm feeling which irritates me.

I always thought i had a gut problem but no because I actually got it checked out,and apparently I'm fine.

Ughhh it's annoying getting that little gut feeling,it almost feels like I'm getting butterflies but no I can never love someone again like I did with Maurizio,
I would basically betray him if I ever loved someone again.I doubt it's butterflies or maybe it is,who knows .Im gonna stick with "I have a gut problem".

"Elanora don't make me carry you to the house"I hear Lucas whisper,yell.His face showing with annoyance towards me.

Me being the stubborn Taurus that i am I shake my head no.

"No"I say stubbornly,
earning a loud groan from Lucas who sighs softly.

"Elanora,WALK NOW"
I watch as he walks to me fastly,Ohh shit he wasn't lying.

I immediately start walking to the house with a smiley Lucas behind me.Ughh I hate this shit.There lucky I'm even here,I'm only here because i miss them.

"Ahhh princess your here"I hear my father utter as he gives me a tight hug,while kissing Mauros head I feel him tense a bit.I watch as Mauro sticks his head out staring crazily at my papa.

"Noo tuch mommy"I hear him mumble softly giving, papa angry eyes,but he looks like a cute puppy pouting.

"Mmm...I told you he's was gonna be protective,he's definitely a Russo"I hear papa say chuckling while walking away.

"Don't listen to him baby,he's crazy"I say
caressing his face with my hand.His pout turns to a smile.

"Come on lets go eat I'm hungry"I say while passing the different walls decorated with different pictures of all of us.

I walk to the backyard,where I'm immediately awakened by all the memories of me and Maurizio visiting here,all the family gatherings we would go together as a family.My heart clenches remembering him as he held me,especially when I was pregnant,he would never let me go out of his sight.

I'm cut out of my thoughts when I hear Matheo,it's been a little rough between us lately,it hasn't been the same since Maurizio's death.

"Ahh principessa your here"I hear him say while walking up to me,his lips smiling widely like he never expected me to come.

"Hi Theo"I say looking at him gently,I feel his hands wrap around me softly while Mauro sticks his small hand out hitting Matheo on his chest for him to let go of me.
As you can see Mauro doesn't like to share,just like his papa who wouldn't let anyone touch me.

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