My angel

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Elanoras POV:
"Mauro,mama loves you"I say stroking his chubby cheeks,he looks like a replica of his father.He even has those mesmerizing eyes that brought countless of smiles on my face.

Ughh it's been months but it feels like yesterday that he left me.Its been 14 months and three days since he left us,I was a complete mess after his death.My life was utterly destroyed,I was numb to everything,I
was mad and sad he left us.

I thank Lucas who was there with me since day one,he hasn't left my side since.

I lay in bed thinking about him,I'm constantly reminded of him everyday,there's not one day I don't see or remember him.Everything makes me smile at his beautiful memories.

Ohh the smiles he would give me.Mmm that man had me over heels for him.Gosh I miss him,
I sometimes cry myself to sleep just thinking about what it would be like,if he was still here.But I quickly remember I have to move on for good,but I know it will take time for it to happen,but with the help of my family I'm sure I'll be okay.

"Mommy"I hear my angel murmur,I look down to see his big doe eyes staring at me lovingly.I stare at him with love swirling in my eyes.

"Yess my angel"i say grabbing his small little fingers.
I see his lips twitch into a small grin.

"What are you smiling at my love"I say kissing all over his face.I smile widely hearing his small giggles.

"Hungwy"I hear him whisper

"Ok come on my angel"I say grabbing his small body and dragging him downstairs to the kitchen.

I put him in his high chair,while making some breakfast.I grab some strawberries and cut them into small pieces for him,while grabbing some muffins I baked yesterday.

"Thanwk you mama"I hear him mumble while stuffing his face with muffins,just like his father would.

"Elanora"I hear someone murmur behind us, I turn around to see Lucas leaning on my counter.His foresty green eyes piercing mine.

"Yeah"i say moving to the side,giving him full view of Mauro who starts grinning seeing his third favorite person.Me and Maurizio were his first favorite,then it's Esteban who he has created a cute bond with. Then Lucas who now a days seems to be his favorite.

He's always talking gibberish to Lucas.Its adorable seeing my angel talk crazy .

"Lu-lu"I hear Mauro scream,I watch as Lucas grabs him,pepper spraying kisses all over his face.
Lu-lu is his nickname for Lucas who always seems to love him more and more each day.It definitely brings a smile to my face watching them both interact,sometimes it reminds me that I must be strong for him.I have to be strong for my little angel.

"Your so adorable,you look like your father each day"he says regretting it after meeting my eyes.

"Elanora-fuck I'm sorry—

"Lucas it's fine,I want him to remember his papa don't worry about it"I say calmly watching my angel start talking gibberish.His hands high in the air.

"Iii...ouuu"I hear him mumble

"How's your day"he asks eyeing me suspiciously.

"It was great,I had a good sleep"I say giving him a gentle smile.

"That's good but I need to talk to you about something"

"Mmm about"I ask questionably curious
I see his eyes harden and jaw clench.

"Ughh well do you remember a past lover who
happens to be named Epifiano"

I roll my eyes in annoyance,what about him,he's a piece of shit.Hes back to his old days,having different women on his shoulder every week.Haven't seen him in years,well like four.Mm i honestly forgot about him,after Maurizio came into my life,he seemed to change my world.

"Yeah well he's been asking about you for a while,and well i need actually we need you to talk to him....he's an important person in the mafia,we wouldn't want him as an enemy,
so can you please talk to him for like an hour while I take care of Mauro,just listen to what he has to say,then leave,it's fine if he keeps insisting after that,but just go one time to see what he has to say,for me please"he says smiling hopefully.

I sigh loudly,watching my face go impassive,ughh the stuff I do for this family.

"Sure whatever"I say watching him let a sigh of relief.

"Thank you"

"Yeah it's fine but I want security with me at all time,what if it's a trap"I say scrunching my nose at the thought of seeing him again,Epifiano.

Enjoy 😊
Thoughts 🤔

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