death sentence

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It's the taste of blood in his mouth that woke JJ up.
The blonde boy blinked slowly, blinded by the light surrounding him and feeling dizzy. He tried to reach for his mouth, but realized his hands were unable to move.
JJ felt his heart beating faster as he gained all his senses back. He heard people laughing and screaming around him, and saw silhouettes ; a light was directed straight in his face, keeping him from seeing anything clear.
"Welcome back blondie. Did you have sweet dreams ?"
JJ looked around him, breathing heavily, and saw Rafe standing on his left, leaning against a wall. He had a creepy smile on his face, which was also covered in bruises.
Then JJ remembered. Kie, Rafe. Pope. The ladder. His hands letting go and his body falling into the deep darkness.
JJ tried to get rid of the rope locking his body, but it was too tight, and it hurted. Rafe laughed.
"Come on, sleeping beauty. Don't be such a party crasher. We only ever wanted to have fun."
Rafe walked to JJ, a silver object in his hand that JJ could not identify, but probably was nothing good.
"And you're for sure going to be one hell of an entertainment."
As an answer, JJ spitted in Rafe's smiling mouth. The boy fell back, crying in disgust. JJ's bloody saliva was running from his teeth to his lips.
People around started to scream. JJ heard them telling Rafe to end him, or cheering for a punch.
JJ locked his eyes in Rafe's.
"You fucking Pogue scum," Rafe murmured in rage.
Then he got up and before JJ realized, he punched him so hard the blonde heard his neck cracking.
Rafe grabbed JJ's collar and put his face milimeters from his.
"I'm going to break all your trashbag bones," Rafe said slowly, insisting on each word. "And when i'm done fighting you, i'll find your friends and do the same with them.
- It's hardly even a fight," JJ replied, smiling with his bloody teeth. "I'm all tied up. It's literally anything but a fight."
Rafe let go of JJ and got up, finally making it possible for JJ to see the object in his hand : a small, sharp knife. JJ felt his stomach swinging.
"You're right," Rafe said. "It's not a fight."
He started playing with the knife, as the crowd started cheering louder.
"It's an execution."

Pope locked himself in the garage and fell on the ground, trying to clear his mind.
He was panicking.
His brain was racing, hardly letting him think straight. He had always hated danger. Pope was not brave like John B, he wasn't courageous like Kie, or bold like Sarah. He wasn't selfless like JJ.
JJ. Pope saw him fall off the ladder again, and shook his head.
He prayed for all the possible holy entities, begging for JJ to be okay.
Pope breathed in and out. Slowly. He projected his self on the cliff, with the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks, the feeling of the wind in his ears. He heard JJ calling him, telling him to calm down and breathe, like he would do when Pope would call him to meet and cry about whatever problem he had.
Pope was going to be brave for JJ.
He got up and went upstairs. He didn't even have to mind about making noise : everybody was screaming outside. They had not even heard Kie leaving with the car.
Kie. Pope hoped she would be quick, whetever her plan was. Because even if he found JJ, he would not be able to confront the whole Kook Academy.
Pope turned around a corner and froze.
The Kooks were standing in the garden, gathered around Rafe, and an inanimate JJ. Pope's heart went crazy in his chest, like his stomach. JJ was in bad shape, but at least Pope knew he was alive as he could see his chest going up and down quickly. JJ's face was down, his mouth slightly open with blood flowing from it. His golden hair was messy and wet with blood, dirt and sweat.
Pope kneeled and watched as the Kooks started to shout at JJ, losing patience for him to wake up.
Then finally, JJ moaned, and tilted his face. The crowd cheered in excitement, and Pope felt his heart break. He had to fight the urge to run towards his friend and hold him tight.
Pope watched as Rafe started to talk with JJ. He couldn't hear from where he was; but he could very well imagine the kind of stuff the Kook was saying. Then Rafe got close to JJ. Too close. Pope saw the spit shooting from JJ's mouth straight to Rafe's.
Pope murmured a "no !". The crowd screamed, the way you scream at a tv show, and it terrified Pope. How could one be so hateful to the point they let this happen ?
Rafe fell back and got up, visibly shaking in rage. Pope knew something bad was going to happen. Rafe would not let JJ shit on his pride like that.
Pope had to react quick ; he went upstairs without really thinking about what he was doing. He heard the Kooks scream, and Rafe growl. He tried not to picture what the boy was doing to JJ.
Pope was about to head to Topper's room just he heard the boy's voice shouting.
"Stop !"
Pope stopped and went to the window, hiding but watching. Topper was standing in the circle with Rafe. JJ's chair had fallen on the side with the boy on it; Pope could only see his hands in his back and the back of his head. JJ's body was perfectly still. Pope felt his heart stop beating and not starting again.
JJ. Please, please, please. Just move.
Topper took a step towards Rafe.
"What the hell are you doing ?"
Rafe's face twisted in rage, and Pope actually felt terrified from his place.
"This trashbag got into your house ! I'm just showing him how respect is done."
Topper pushed Rafe back.
"You're in my fucking house !
- So what, do you want to give him a healing kiss ?"
Rafe was shaking. Pope actually would have felt bad for him if it weren't for what he had done to all of his friends. The boy was visibly lost, fragile, and in the verge of madness. Completely out of mind. Obviously dangerous.
And fucking armed.
Topper looked at Rafe for a moment.
"Get out of my house."
Rafe blinked in shock, then laughed.
"You can't be serious.
- I said get out. Fucking leave."
Everybody was dead silent. So silent the sound of a car coming could be heard.
A car.

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