update : what is gonna happen to Ocean Blue ?

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Hi guys,
I hope you all have been doing good. I am back for my yearly update, and it feels heartwarming to see my goofy little fanfiction is still getting love and attention.

Sadly, those of you who stuck for a long time might have noticed i could not keep updating this story the way you all deserve. I am sorry. Life got in the way, and i tried, i really did, but now i can say that Ocean Blue will never get an ending, at least not from me.

I really wish i could have done better for all of you, because truly, getting to share my texts with you has been an honor, and i love you guys so much. I still believe there is hope for this story, but i can not be the one keeping it up.

Which is why, i am giving away Ocean Blue to whoever wants to keep writing it. I have no other project on this account, so for the story to keep its views, votes and fans, i'll be giving the next writer my whole account, that you'll be free to rename and make yours.
This has been a very hard decision to make, and i will miss you all. But this is for the best, and i believe everyone will benefit from it.

If you are interested in my account, send me a message, or leave a comment. Serious writers only, i'll only give away my account to someone devoted. My readers deserve that from me.
Also, i do not have any chapters ready for the following of the story. The person that will replace me will have a free will on whatever happens, since the story will become theirs.

Much love to all of you guys, i truly wish i could've given you the story you deserved. I have had a really hard time in my personnal life lately, i hope you can understand and forgive me.

Take care,
Yours truly,

- Maygreeves <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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