Chapter 46

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"Great practice boys" I clapped appreciating the boys hard work, "let's wrap it up" I added and went out to get my sipper filled. Iwa-chan followed me to fill his sipper as well. He hasn't left me a minute alone except for the time I stayed after to do some extra practice. When will he understand that I am not a child! I can handle things by myself..

"You are going to practice today as well?" He asked as we started filling water. I nodded in response.

"You need to take some rest" he said concern evident in his voice. 

 "I am fine"  I said shaking my head in a no.

"Oikawa, You shouldn't overstress yourself in order to distract yourself from whatever happened" he scolded. I just stayed quite. How can he always read me so easily? I had my guard high up all time still he seemed to know the reason all along.

"No, it's not that! I am just trying to practice harder for the match, it won't be easy" I lied .

"Yeah sure, afterall you are the only one responsible for our victory, captain" he said in sarcasm. He's been using the captain key everytime I don't listen to him.

"I just don't want us to lose because of me" I replied and this time I wasn't lying. I am afraid about it but it's not the only reason behind my extra practice.

"We are a team Oikawa, if we win we win together, if we lose we lose together. It's not about you or me, it's about the team effort. Show some faith in your team!" he told me clearing all my nervousness. I wonder how he says such deep things so easily. This man is a mystery in himself!

"Yeah sorry, I didn't want to sound full of myself" I replied feeling sorry for making it look like I didn't believe in my team's effort.

"You just need to take some rest, you aren't staying over" he ordered.

"Aye aye captain!" I chuckled awkwardly. Awkward because that's what I was avoiding to do ever since. I didn't want to give myself time to wonder about everything that happened. I wanted to keep myself occupied to avoid getting into that situation and now it was finally time for me to stop running away from the truth.

We went back, packed our bags and boarded a train. The ride was silent. Iwa-chan was sleeping while listening to some music while I just looked out from the window thinking about how I never used to board a train so that I could walk Y/n-chan home and then I would go back home by foot. I shook my head to stop thinking about all that as I know once I start I won't be able to stop! We reached my home after a short walk..

"I'll get going then" I said before turning away.

"Don't overthink at night. Go to sleep early" he instructed sounding like my mom.

"Hai! You too" I replied before moving inside.

(Hear this song while reading ,trying something new...hope you enjoy it!)

"Oh you came back early Tōru, did you safely dropped y/n-ch—

"Oh I am so sorry Tōru" mom apologized staring at me with her eyes filled with worries as she waited to see if I was hurt by her words. Little did she know, I have turned numb. It seems like the source of all my feelings has made an exit from my life, that's the impact she had on me. I wish she is okay though, I hope she is fine!

STAY BY ME.... (Oikawa x reader x Someone)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt