Chapter 47

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Y/N's Mother's POV

It took everything in me to hold back my tears as I sung her to sleep. It broke my heart to see her crying. I had never thought that this would be the end of their relationship. I always saw them as forever love. Is it wrong of me to think so just for the sake of my daughter's happiness? After an hour of trying to calm her down, she finally fell asleep. I tried my best to clean up the mess as quietly as possible. Once I stepped out of her room and came downstairs. I heard her ringtone for a split second. Her phone was with me when she was discharged from hospital and remembered keeping it in my bag. I went into my room searching for my bag. I thought it would be Kageyama-kun but was surprised to find a missed call from Oikawa. Without even thinking twice I called him back. He picked up on third ring. I waited for him to speak up first. But it was all silent from his side.

"Y/N-chan.." he finally spoke up, his voice came out more like a whisper.

"I am her mother" I replied.

"Oh?" is all he said.

"What do you want?" I asked him trying to keep up a harsh tone.

"Is she alright?" He asked, his voice softening. 

"No, what do you expect? But she'd be better without you! Anything else?" I answered with the most rude reply I could think of, although my heart was against it.

"No- nothing, I-I a—am sorry" he answered his voice breaking in between. It hurt my heart for I had always seen him as my own son.

"Sorry for cheating on Y/N?" I asked with a stern voice although I was on the verge of crying.


"Don't ever try talking to her again" I cut him off and ended the call. As soon as I disconnected, I couldn't hold back. It would be better if they don't contact each other right? I can't see   Y/N getting hurt anymore. I need to protect her from everyone who makes her cry. She's my only daughter and I don't want to see her in pain. A mother is always selfish for her child. I can't help it.

Oikawa's POV

"Don't ever try talking to her again." 

These words cut deeper than a knife. What have I done? I have destroyed everything. What will I do without her? She was the one who made me so happy, how can I make her cry? She added meaning to my life, how can I hurt her? How can I be so cruel? She was the world to me and now I have cut all the ties by myself.

 I can't think straight. My head, I can sense a pounding pain. The world around me is revolving. I can't hear anything but a humming buzz. It is irritating the death out of me. I placed my hands around my ears as I fell onto my knees.

"MOM!" I shouted with all the strength I was left with.
I hear muffled sounds of thumping footsteps coming towards me but as I tried opening my eyes I couldn't see anything, just blinding lights. Everything is blurred by tears falling down from my eyes. I fall to the ground with a thud and afterwards feel a few hands grab me. And suddenly everything turned black, I could hear jumbled voices but couldn't understand anything. I let the void world I had entered engulf me and gave up the resistance to fight back. I laid there in peace and felt myself drifting away in deep sleep... 


Hello reader-chan! I hope you are doing fine. I am sorry for not updating! Have been going through a lot and still am, but I will try to update timely. Thank you for all your love and support. Stay strong, stay safe. I love you all❤️ TPWK✨

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