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Hi Y/N-chan! I hope you are going good. This is to specially thank all of you for your support. This support means the world to me. The story has reached 22.3k views and 600+ votes. I feel blessed to have all your love. How many of you like quotes? Tell me in comments coz I got something for you if you like quotes! ✌️👍

Also I am occupied with tons of work to do☹️. But I will try to update. Till then take care of both your physical and mental health. Mental health is very important! Even if your world turns 180° still remember that you mean the world to your parents and friends. If your don't have a friend or someone you can share your feeling with you can always find one in me. Either dm me on my Instagram @Sky091000 or on Wattpad, I will listen to you. Stay healthy, stay safe! I love you all❤️🥀

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