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"Can I come to your house later, Yashiro? You know... To continue studying" Amane grinned mischievously

"Of course" she replied cheerfully

"Of course me and Aoi-san is gonna come too" Kou glared at the latter

"Why must you always ruin my plan, kid?" He sighed deeply

"Because I know how your brain works dumbass" he replied

"You made me upset. To make it up to me, you have to feed me" he smirked

"Excuse me?"

"Feed me servant" he held his chin high and motioned the boy to put food in his mouth

"Do it yourself" Kou ignored him

"I'm waiting~" he opened his mouth waiting for the food to arrive

"Fine" he placed a piece of bread in his mouth and quickly retracted his hands

Of course, Yashiro witnessed it all. She took multiple pictures at once. She reviewed all of it in her gallery and she internally squealed. She found her favourite picture and made it her wallpaper

'I finally found a reason to live'

"Yashiro! Earth to Yashiro!" She snapped out of her thoughts when Amane waved his hands in front of her

"What is it, Amane-kun?" She asked

"Lunchtime is over" he informed

"Oh... I must have spaced out a bit" she giggled at herself and he chuckled

"Senpai, let's meet later" he smiled and waved goodbye


"Aoi-chan! Look! Look!" Yashiro proudly showed her new wallpaper

"Great picture" she smiled. While Yashiro was busy admiring her new wallpaper, Aoi secretly took a picture of her. They were waiting for the duo to arrive in front of the school's gate because they were assigned cleaners.


Aoi - Normal/ Amane - Bold/ Kou- Italic

(Protect Yashiro Squad)

Aoi sent an attachment

You owe me one

Aoi-san, you're our saviour

I will never forget your kindness, Aoi-san

Btw, why does she look so happy staring at her phone?

She's admiring her new wallpaper

New wallpaper?

It's a boy. Actually, it's two so I guess one of them is her crush :p



It's a boy from the series that she's watching right?

Nope. They're studying at our school

Are you saying Yashiro has a crush and he studies at our school!?

Please tell us who he is, Aoi-san ㅜㅡㅜ

Find it yourself :p


The duo spammed her begging her to tell them who her crush is. She muted their gc and focused her attention on her friend.

She didn't tell them that Yashiro's wallpaper is actually them. She decided to step up the game by helping them because Yashiro is too blind to notice their feelings.

The duo finally arrived and they all went to her house

"Stay here while I'll make some snacks" Yashiro announced and Aoi helped. The duo was left to continue studying until they heard a *ping* from Yashiro's phone. They stared at her phone which was on their study table.

"Let's check her phone" Amane said

"You're invading her privacy, man" he disapproved of his behaviour

"Come on, kid. That way, we can check her wallpaper" he smirked when he saw the boy conflicted

Amane stood up and grabbed the phone. Kou stood up as well and waited for Amane to turn her phone on. Just as they're about to turn her phone on, they heard footsteps coming. They both freaked out and Amane accidentally stepped on his pen. He was about to fall so he grabbed what was nearest to him.

"What happened? We heard a loud thud is everything alright-" Yashiro couldn't finish her sentence when she saw the scene displayed before her. Kou pinning Amane beneath him as they both stared at her wide-eyed. Kou immediately stood up and helped Amane.

"It's nothing serious, senpai. Amane slipped and he dragged me down" he explained to her

"O-oh okay. I forgot something downstairs... Lemme just get it" she hurriedly went out and the duo exchanged confused gazes


"Aoi-chan, I now realize that I'm so blessed" she smiled dreamily as she told her what she saw earlier

"I guess someone up there favours me" she giggled at herself

"Too bad I couldn't capture that moment though but that scene lives in my head rent-free" she laughed and skipped upstairs

"Go and touch some grass outside, nene-chan" she told her friend and went upstairs as well


They finished studying and they all bid farewell

"It's your fault for being so damn slow" Kou clicked his tongue in annoyance

"I was being cautious you damn brat" he reasoned out

"Cautious my ass and who the hell slips-"

"Fine, it's my fault. Stop scolding me already. You ain't my father" he stuck his tongue out in a childish manner and Kou felt a vein popped

(I already decided how this story will end :p JAAAAAYYY OUT!!)

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