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Kou went home with a dejected face because he didn't see his Senpai, not even a glimpse. He thought that it's her way of rejecting him

"Why the long face, Kou?" Teru asked concerned

"I didn't see her today" he replied and went upstairs to change

He didn't know that Yashiro was busy with the other two giving them their answers and rejecting them properly that's why she was nowhere to be seen

"Princess, wear something warm. It looks like it's gonna snow any minute now" he instructed and she went upstairs to fetch her favourite unicorn sweater

Teru's phone began to vibrate. He was surprised that Yashiro was calling him at this hour

Yashiro - bold / Teru - Italic

Good evening, Teru-senpai. Is Kou-kun home? I didn't see him earlier in school and I was worried

Good evening, Yashiro-san. Kou is talking a walk right now because he was sad (he lied)

What? Why?

Because he thought that you rejected him

What? Why would I reject him when he-... He's the one I like

Teru smirked at this and an idea suddenly popped into his mind

He's probably at the park. If you hurry, you might catch him

Thank you, Teru-senpai. Bye!

He called Kou to come downstairs and he was now launching his plan

"Kou! Quick! It's bad! Like really bad! Yashiro's in danger!" he tried his best to act as if he was in a panic

"Is she okay!? What happened to her!?"

"She called me just now saying that someone was following her and she's nearby the park then the call ended"

"Shit! I'm going out, Nii-san!" He ran upstairs to fetch his long winter jacket because it was getting cold outside

"Shit! I'm going out, Nii-san!" He ran upstairs to fetch his long winter jacket because it was getting cold outside

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"Be safe!" He went outside and ran to the said destination

"Nii-chan, you shouldn't have lied" Tiara scolded him

"But princess, it was the only way. If we didn't do anything he'd end up avoiding her. You know he's quite stubborn"

"Your acting sucks and what do you mean by we? I didn't participate in your plan, nii-chan. It's only you"

"Don't be so mean to me, Princess" he sulked


Yashiro arrived first and searched for the spiky-blonde boy but no one, not a single soul was in the park

"I guess he went home now" she sadly sighed

She was about to go home when a voice suddenly called her

"Senpai!" She looked behind her and he saw a panting Kou

"Kou-kun, what happened to you?" She approached him and began inspecting him for injuries

"Are you alright, senpai? Did anyone hurt you? Where was the guy that was following you?" He asked worriedly

"Eh? I'm completely fine, Kou-kun. I got here hoping to see you because Teru-senpai said you were gonna be here" she replied

"Huh? But Teru-nissan said you were in danger-" his brain began solving the mystery and she swore she could hear gears turning here and there

"Damn! I got tricked. He probably set us up" he sighed deeply

"Oh" that was all she could reply

"I'm just glad you're fine, Senpai. You should head home now because it's probably gonna snow later on"

"Wait! I haven't given you my answer yet" she grabbed his hand

"It's okay. I already know that you're gonna reject me-"

"I like you!" She confessed loudly with blush starting to form on her cheeks

He blinked rapidly and his cheeks began to mirror hers


"I said I like you. You shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so fast. I was busy giving the other two their answers that's why I didn't have the time to talk to you earlier at school"

He was utterly speechless and all he could was stare at her. Suddenly, snow started to fall from the sky

"It's snowing!" She looked up and held her hand high to catch some snowflakes

He noticed that she was shivering because she only wore light clothes. He zipped down his jacket and used it to engulf her. Now both of them are warm in each other's embrace

(Like this)

"You were shivering" he simply said as he rested his chin on top of her head

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"You were shivering" he simply said as he rested his chin on top of her head

"Thanks, Kou-kun" she smiled shyly and continued catching some snow

"The snow's so pretty" he hummed in response

"We should head home now. I don't want you to catch a cold because of me" she said worriedly

"Being out in a cold isn't a problem. I'll be here with you until you get tired of looking at the snow" he sincerely said. She smiled at that and leaned her body on him

"So, are we like a couple now?" He shyly asked

"Of course" she replied happily

"Good because I love you so much" he shyly said and buried his face on her neck

"How much?" She asked teasingly

He took her hand that was catching some snow and warmed it up using his hot breath

"Deeper than all the oceans combined"

He placed her hand on his cheek and stared deeply at her eyes that were filled with love and affection

"Tiara will surely be delighted when she knows we're a couple now" he laughed

"Wanna sleep at our house?" He asked and she nodded. He made her wear his jacket and they went back holding hands as snow continued falling.

There is a legend that if you witness the first snowfall with the person you love, genuine love will blossom between you and will continue even in another life.

(We all know that Teru is the MVP for tonight. Teru best brother ;;p My brain is overused from thinking too much cheesy lines *cringe intensified*)

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